Birth Stories

Prenatal Yoga Classes And Reading Birthing Books Helped Cielle During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My water broke on Friday night, and though I was having regular contractions they were very minor and barely felt different than Braxton Hicks. When labor finally kicked in on Sunday morning there was no questioning it! I think I actually said "OW!" when the first real contraction hit.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I was honestly more afraid of the thought of an epidural than I was of the possible pain of labor. When I went into the hospital after my water broke, my midwife presented me with more pain relief options than the epidural: nitrous gas, morphine, fentanyl... I was still convinced I wouldn't want anything (other than POSSIBLY trying out the gas). That is until labor really kicked in, and I DEFINITELY had a moment of thinking "there is no way I'm going to be able to do this without pain meds!" However, I pretty quickly transitioned to a totally different mind space -- it was true for me what they say about women's bodies just knowing what to do in birth. My midwife, nurse team, and husband were such a support the whole labor, I would not have been able to do it without them.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    The main thing is that I wish I had started taking prenatal yoga classes earlier! I stuck with my regular yoga class just making my own modifications, and when I started going to a specific prenatal yoga class it was such a different experience! It was great to be around more pregnant women, really nice to be able to relate to pregnancy symptoms, etc., and to have the class tailored to a pregnant body and also labor preparation! I wish I'd done it my whole pregnancy!
    I also read A LOT. I really enjoyed The Bump app's weekly updates, and The Birth Partner by Simkin was amazing (especially to have my husband read it!). We also took two classes -- one at the hospital that helped me know what to expect from giving birth there, and also gave some helpful labor tips, and another at my yoga studio that was more about communication, partnership, as well as acupressure and more labor positioning.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Aside from the fact that it happened three weeks earlier than I was expecting, I was mostly just surprised that I could do it, and that it really WASN'T as bad as I was expecting! I'd heard so many horror stories and was SO expecting the worst. But I was lucky --I had no complications and my labor progressed really fast: from the time my contractions really kicked in til the time I finally met my daughter was less than 3 hours! And though it was HARD, and painful (they weren't lying about that!), it was TOTALLY do-able, and I was totally pleasantly surprised by the entire experience!

  • Trust and faith in yourself that you can do it. If you let yourself go into the pain and follow your instincts, your body will just know what to do and how to manage it on its own.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Vocalization came really naturally to me: low moaning, groaning... and the occasional "this hurts" with "understatement of the year?" remarks from my husband! Counter pressure/massage, pacing around, rocking and swaying, and laboring in the shower were all super helpful! (I wanted to labor in the tub but we never had a chance for it to fully fill up before they were telling me to push!)

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was pushing for a while leaning over the raised back of the hospital bed, but then turned onto my back with the legs pushing against the squat bar once the baby was crowning.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was so miraculous once they put my baby girl in my arms. She was so tiny and purple and covered in vernix and cone-headed and perfect! I felt like I recognized her from my womb -- her little squirms and movements felt so familiar. It was very emotional, but also comforting.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    I would just say to have trust and faith in yourself that you can do it. If you let yourself go into the pain and follow your instincts, your body will just know what to do and how to manage it on its own.

    Let yourself escape into it! Like at a dance party where you allow yourself to stop being self-conscious and let yourself go with the movement, but instead of dancing freely you're dealing with one of the most intense experiences of your life. You can totally become unaware of anything around you, and your body will get you through it!

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