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Birth Stories

Putting Together a Playlist of Some of Her Favorite Worship Music Helped Jessica During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I was 42 weeks and 2 days pregnant and had been having prodromal labor for weeks. The day my labor really kicked into gear, I realized it was probably baby day when within two hours my contractions went from being 8-10 minutes apart to being 3-4 minutes apart.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Having had an unmedicated home birth with our first, I thought I knew what to expect going into this birth. However, my first baby took his time and I had 15 hours of active labor, whereas this time around, things moved really quickly. As a doula myself, I kept "doula-ing" myself after each contraction - reminding myself to breathe, recognizing where my body was tensing up during each contraction and trying to relax during the next contraction, etc. The most challenging thing with this birth was pushing. Pushing was incredibly intense and felt like it lasted forever. At one point I lost my rhythm and breath and screamed. I wanted to stand up and run away from my labor. But my labor was me - I was doing this - I was birthing my baby girl.

  • deyoung-birth-2017-29
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I don't know if I can pinpoint one thing that really helped me prepare for childbirth. I put together a playlist of some of my favorite worship music and tried to listen to it every day leading up to the birth. It helped me relax, and reminded me to trust God in all things. This became harder and harder as I went past my estimated due date, but I just kept trusting God to take care of me and my baby and that she would arrive at the right time.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised at how hard it was. I was determined to have a water birth this time around, thinking that it would be easier to give birth in the water. But because my labor went so quickly and pushing was so intense, I don't think it was easier being in the water. I was also very surprised at how quickly my labor went (6 hours) and that I only pushed for 15 minutes!

  • Hire a doula. I was so thankful for both my babies' births to have doulas who not only took care of me during labor (and after!), but also took care of my husband. Be patient. Babies seldom arrive on their estimated due dates.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Blowing and doing "horse lips" through contractions. Being in the birth pool helped before things got really intense.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was sitting and semi-reclined in the birth pool when I delivered my daughter.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I couldn't stop saying, "Thank you, Jesus." My 6 hour labor had been fast and intense and there were moments I didn't think I could do it. Also, having been 42 weeks and 2 days pregnant before our daughter's birth day, I had started to lose hope that she was ever going to come. The waiting had been the hardest part. I was so thankful to hold her in my arms once she finally decided to be born.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Hire a doula. I was so thankful for both my babies' births to have doulas who not only took care of me during labor (and after!), but also took care of my husband.
    Be patient. Babies seldom arrive on their estimated due dates. The waiting is really hard, but if you are wanting to have an unmedicated, low/no intervention birth, it really is best to let your baby "cook" as long as he/she needs to. For some women, 42 weeks is normal gestation. Don't lose hope. As long as you and baby are healthy and doing well, hang in there. Pray. Do things to keep your mind off of the waiting - a prenatal massage, pedicure, read a good book, etc.

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