Birth Stories

Reading And Studying Birth Stories Helped Kenzie During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    After 2 rounds of intercourse with my partner & an hour or so of bouncing and rolling my hips on my exercise ball, I began to feel contractions. I didn’t experience any Braxton Hicks contractions at all, so it was a new sensation. After the same cramping sensation came & went a few times I clued in! I was excited and couldn’t fall asleep. Once a few hours had passed with no stop to the contractions, and they didn’t go away as I moved around distracting myself by tidying, I knew I had to be in the beginning stages of labor.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    It was very challenging to endure the pain of contractions after a certain point. I went into the experience with an open mind, and although I was aiming for a completely natural birth, I ended up asking for an epidural once I’d had the chance to experience active labor for a while. Even though the pain was not typical pain like you would experience with an injury, and the relief in between contractions was incredible...I was absolutely exhausted. I found myself tensing up and out of breath from moaning and howling through each contraction as they came closer and closer together. I felt a little bit sad that I “gave in” to pain relief, but it allowed me to use my remaining energy wisely.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I did a LOT of research! I really enjoyed reading about different birth experiences. I watched videos of women giving birth and learned a lot about fetal development. I read a huge variety of articles and a few different books as well. I did my best to gain as much insight as I could into all the possible options that would arise during the labor process. I ensured that I gathered information from reliable sources and considered many different perspectives. All of the stories and studies I explored helped me make informed decisions, and I felt that having enough knowledge significantly reduced the amount of anxiety I would have experienced.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    The nurses and my obstetrician were very supportive of my preferences and did not pressure me into making any choices! When I did make my decision to get the epidural, once it had taken effect I was able to move around on the hospital bed and I could even walk to use the toilet, with support. I changed positions many times and took advantage of the peanut-shaped inflatable ball supplied by the hospital. I was afraid that with an epidural that I would be stuck lying on my back for the most part, and would be numb to all sensation, but I must have received just the right dose. I did not feel any pain, but I could use my muscles and feel pressure. I was pleasantly surprised.

  • Prepare as much as you can ahead of time, and have at least one good support person to ensure that you have to deal with as little as possible beyond being in labor and giving birth! Spend as much time as you can focusing on your body, the sensations you’re experiencing, and really listening to your intuition.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    For the first phase especially, walking and moving around was helpful. Leaning on my partner and grasping his hand helped get me through as contractions became more challenging. I breathed through each contraction with short, sharp breaths in and long, relaxed breaths out. I ended up making some noise as things got more intense. Sitting in a warm bath as I moved into active labor was a great help. The epidural was, of course, extremely effective also.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was on my knees leaning against the raised back of the bed as he started crowning, and then I moved to a side-lying position with my upper leg raised and supported as the baby’s head and body finished coming out.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was nothing like I expected and yet exactly what I was hoping for all at the same time. I quickly rolled to my back and my doctor passed my baby to me immediately. He was very slippery, purplish red, and somehow so perfect - he let out a cry and I was just in awe at how raw and beautiful the moment was... it is burned into my memory. Getting to meet him skin to skin for the very first minutes of his life and engaging in breastfeeding as soon as we could was an incredible start, and I felt so much love.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Prepare as much as you can ahead of time, and have at least one good support person to ensure that you have to deal with as little as possible beyond being in labor and giving birth! Spend as much time as you can focusing on your body, the sensations you’re experiencing, and really listening to your intuition. I don’t regret choosing pain relief when I was loopy from exhaustion instead of pushing myself beyond my limits. I am glad that I did lots of walking and kegels - being in touch with my inner muscles helped a lot during the pushing process. I pushed for only 30 minutes. One of the nurses told me that just when I was ready to start to bear down and push, it would feel like having to take a big poop! That is actually about what it felt like to me, and even with pain relief, listening to that urge and pushing into each contraction with some gentle coaching worked best for me. You really will know that urge to push once you feel it. I’m certain that being able to move into whatever position felt most comfortable helped a lot towards having such a positive birth experience, too. Trust in your body, communicate with your birth team, and keep as calm as you can!

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