Birth Stories

Remembering That Her Body Knew What To Do Helped To Prepare For Childbirth Helped VVmaMa During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I realized I was in labor when the contractions made me cry. I seated back and forth for 30 minutes and finally went to the hospital.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The fast paced contractions became too challenging to do on my own. The sheer shock of having to drive myself to the hospital at 1 am, 35 weeks, caused me to get an epidural.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I think remembering that my body knew what to do helped to prepare for childbirth. But let's be honest, every birth is different. Therefore knowing it will be painful is all you can do.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised that in spite of not getting my fairy tale, dream-like water birth. I still managed at home and didn't go the hospital until the pain was unbearable. Getting to the hospital at 7cm, and having my baby girl be 5 weeks early is still a shock.

  • Believe in yourself. Do not let labor sneak up on you. Be prepared to know the signs and stick to your plan. But if all else fails, trust yourself. Your body, your baby, your decisions.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Swaying and rocking helped to labor at home. In the end, my cousin/Nurse practitioner stepped in to be my Doula. She was amazing!!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Because of the Eli, I had to labor in the bed. I had my husband hold one leg and I held the other. I asked them to let the bed up as much as possible so I could sit up straight.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was amazing. I finally got my girl. She was my smallest baby, weighing in at 5'8!!! She is truly my Minnie mouse :-)

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Believe in yourself. Do not let labor sneak up on you. Be prepared to know the signs and stick to your plan. But if all else fails, trust yourself. Your body, your baby, your decisions.

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