Birth Stories

Staying Active Throughout Pregnancy Helped Hannah During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My contractions began at around 4pm the day before and I was fairly certain that was the start. By 4am, they had almost completely stopped. I went for a nice long walk that morning and they started back up again and continued throughout the day, gradually getting closer together but not terribly intense. Early labor pains were never worse than a bad period cramp, as they were with my first child. I wanted to progress quickly, so I never sat down for more than a few minutes at a time all day.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging thing about going natural for me was the transition phase. My contractions came fast and furious and remembering to breathe deeply and not hyperventilate was hard. I was able to try to envision a "calm place" and take my mind off of the pain a bit. Luckily, this phase only lasted 15 minutes before it was time to push. The yoga ball was a lifesaver!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    With my first child, I took lamaze classes and did prenatal yoga and his birth was (in my mind) perfect! I revisited some of the techniques I learned in those classes and found that comforting. The biggest favor I did for myself was staying active throughout the pregnancy. It gave me the confidence that I could do this again and peace of mind that my body would heal more quickly than if I had not been active.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I only pushed for 8 minutes! I thought my first son came quickly and I pushed for an hour with him but this was so incredibly fast. From the time my water broke (while bouncing on the yoga ball) to the time he was born was 8 minutes. While incredible, it was also a bit scary. Because he came so quickly, he swallowed amniotic fluid on the way out and they couldn't delay the cord clamping or give me the immediate skin to skin that I was so anticipating. He was rushed over to the nurses who had to help him clear his lungs and stabilize his breathing. The NICU team was also called in to evaluate. This lasted only about 15 minutes but it seemed like an eternity. I was finally able to hold him and his breathing returned to normal. He has been happy and healthy ever since!

  • You can do it! Pregnancy is like a marathon (not that I've ever run one!) and giving birth is that last final leg. The pain/pressure doesn't last and the feeling you get after achieving a natural birth is unlike anything else. There is so much joy!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I used a combination of techniques to get me through the most intense parts. Lamaze breathing, visualization (sitting on a warm beach, hiking through the woods...), swaying and groaning, and had my husband put pressure on my lower back during contractions. I'm not sure which worked the best but the combination certainly got me through!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was lying on my back in the hospital bed but had not been in that position until it was time to push.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Surreal. He is my rainbow baby and I couldn't believe he was finally here. Best feeling in the world!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You can do it! Pregnancy is like a marathon (not that I've ever run one!) and giving birth is that last final leg. The pain/pressure doesn't last and the feeling you get after achieving a natural birth is unlike anything else. There is so much joy!

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