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Birth Stories

Staying in Good Shape Helped Lauren During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I realized I was in labor after I had 2 contractions over the course of an hour while in the car. Once I got home, the contractions started coming more frequently and I knew this was the real deal!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging part about going natural was believing in myself and my body. Luckily, my husband believed in me 100% and kept reassuring me that I was succeeding. The pain was intense, but luckily my active labor only lasted 8 hours and I was able to breathe through the pain. Once I did not think I could do it anymore, I was told that I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push!

  • unnamed
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    The most helpful thing I did to prepare for childbirth was to stay in good shape. I walked 3 miles per day (weather permitting), took spin classes, and did light strength training (squats, core exercises, etc.).

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    It surprised me that I was able to have a completely natural birth in the hospital. I was told by the doctors in my practice that less than 1% of their moms give birth without an epidural. After hearing this I was discouraged, but I had the support of my husband and promised myself I would do everything I could to succeed. I am still amazed by what my body is capable of.

  • Do your research. Read positive birth stories. Find a variety of different pain relief strategies and try them all when the time comes. Don't listen to others when they tell you you are crazy, because believe me you will get that. Many people told me "don't be a hero". For me it wasn't a matter of being a hero, I wanted to do something that my body was made to do without drugs. However, if things don't go as planned always remember that you just gave birth, whether it be by c-section, vaginal with an epidural, or completely natural. That is something to celebrate.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The pain relief strategies that worked best for me was focusing on breathing and moving around as much as possible. Unfortunately when I was about 6 cm dilated, my baby's heart rate was dropping a bit, so I had to stay in bed for the remainder of my labor so that they could monitor me. Once this happened all I could do was breathe through the pain, try to find a comfortable position and squeeze the hell out of my husband's hand!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered on my back with my husband and the nurse holding my legs.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I did not get to hold my baby right away, because the cord was around her neck when she came out. However I was able to watch the doctor examine her and they gave her to me as soon as they could. The feeling was indescribable. I was so relieved that she was here and healthy. I felt an instant need to protect her, a feeling that I imagine won't go away ever. The love I felt in that moment for her and our family was amazing.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    The best advice would be to do your research. Read positive birth stories. Find a variety of different pain relief strategies and try them all when the time comes. Don't listen to others when they tell you you are crazy, because believe me you will get that. Many people told me "don't be a hero". For me it wasn't a matter of being a hero, I wanted to do something that my body was made to do without drugs. However, if things don't go as planned always remember that you just gave birth, whether it be by c-section, vaginal with an epidural, or completely natural. That is something to celebrate.

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