Birth Stories

Surrendering To The Experience Instead Of Fighting Helped Shayna During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I knew when my contractions were closer together, becoming more intense and when I couldn't sleep between them. A couple of days before my labor, I had menstrual-like cramps occasionally. I knew my body was preparing itself for labor.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Transitioning from the birth center to the hospital. I wanted my birth center birth, ideally in the great big tub. My water broke and after I arrived at our birth center my midwife notified me that my pad had some green fluid on it. A sign of meconium and because my little one's heart rate sounded slightly distressed we transferred to the hospital. Going through COVID screening questions while I was in labor made getting to the hospital birth unit a little more complicated. As you know, when you're in the throes of labor the last thing you want to do is answer questions about your travel, any questionable symptoms, etc.

  • AtlasBirthAnnouncement
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I researched. I found breathing techniques, hypnobirthing and birth affirmations very helpful in preparing myself for childbirth. Also reaching out to other moms who have had natural births and reading birth stories. Ina May Gaskin's books were a wonderful resource.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    My little one having a true knot in his cord. Something I wasn't prepared for. Thankfully he is out of the NICU now and home in our little nest.

  • I truly believe if you lean on God, he will see you through it. Trust in your ability to birth your baby. You were made to do this. When you do, you will find a new found confidence in yourself and what you are capable of. You can do this mama! One contraction at a time.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    A breathing technique where you inhale 3 times and exhale 4. The exact number doesn't matter, as long as you exhale a little longer than you inhale. Focusing on this breathwork when the contractions were at their strongest worked for me. Most importantly I put my trust in God. I surrendered to the experience instead of fighting it. I knew the only way out was through, that God would see me through.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I didn't get to hold my baby immediately. He needed a little help breathing in the beginning. When I finally did, in the NICU, I was overwhelmed with joy. The first time I was able to hold him, was also the first time I was able to nurse him. We instantly bonded.

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    We named him Atlas. We love Greek mythology and wanted something a little different. My first borns name is Wyld so we weren't going to name him something commonplace.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    I truly believe if you lean on God, he will see you through it. Trust in your ability to birth your baby. You were made to do this. When you do, you will find a new found confidence in yourself and what you are capable of. You can do this mama! One contraction at a time.

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