Birth Stories

Watching Mama Natural Birth Course Again Helped Haley Achieved Her Natural Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had some prodromal labor for about a week and a half so the night I went into labor I still wasn’t sure. The prodromal labor consisted of contractions (that I wasn’t sure if they were Braxton Hicks or not) but was 5-15 minutes apart for hours. At 12:15 AM one night, I got up because I knew I was not sleeping to how uncomfortable they were becoming so I went and found my husband to let him know and see if they would continue.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The pain. For me, there’s no way around that answer. For my first, I remember it being incredibly painful but we were not prepared like we were this time for my precipitous birth (rapid labor). I was in so much shock it was like birth was happening to me. But with this one, I was aware of every sensation, every moment of control, and actually had moments between contractions I could talk and regain myself. But the contractions at the very end and the pushing was very painful, thankfully it didn’t last too long!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Knowing I had a precipitous birth with my first (under 3 hours of active labor), I joined a Facebook group with other precipitous birth women to prepare myself better this time. I also continued to be religious about my daily inversions for good positioning, drinking my red raspberry leaf tea, and eating 6 dates a day in the end. Also, in the last 2-3 months, I walked nearly every day in my neighborhood which is more like a good hike since we live on the side of a mountain!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    The pain. Haha! I just thought with my second it wouldn’t be so painful and that pushing wouldn’t feel so intense and difficult! Granted labor was 2.5 hours and I pushed for 10 minutes. But with precipitous birth, it’s all the same pain just condensed. So perhaps the speed made it more painful in general. I also tore a labia in half when she came out with her elbow next to her head! And she was coming out en caul (her sac) so that was a surprise!

  • I got to watch it a second time as a refresher for this baby. I am so glad I did because I had forgotten a lot of valuable information! It reminded me about the stages of labor and what to expect during and after the baby. I love this course!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    This time around I got to try out the shower just before transition was coming on and it did help. I also think it made things speed up when I got out. Before things got too painful counterpressure on my back from my husband was nice too, later on, it hurt though.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Incredible! I was so happy we had done it! 9 months and then to finish the journey of pregnancy together this way. She was beautiful and we were in love with another perfect little daughter all over again.

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    Capri is her first name. My husband and I both liked it and when I was younger I went on a trip to Italy with my sister and the Isle of Capri was my very favorite place we saw, it’s beautiful! Her middle name is Eliana which means “God has answered”. This was a special name we both wanted to write as an anthem over her after we’ve experienced some struggles in our family the last year and the pandemic.

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    I got to watch it a second time as a refresher for this baby. I am so glad I did because I had forgotten a lot of valuable information! It reminded me about the stages of labor and what to expect during and after the baby. I love this course!

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