Birth Stories

Taking Mama Natural Birth Course Helped Nicole During Her Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When my water broke Saturday night I did not have any signs of contractions. I thought to myself, is this it? After a phone call to my midwife, I was convinced it was go time!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I ended up needing a low dose of pitocin as I reached the 24 hr mark after my water breaking. I was so disappointed that my body wasn't progressing naturally but ran out of options. I agreed to the pit as long as I wasn't given anything else. The pain from the pit contractions was intense. Dealing with the wave of contractions was the most challenging part.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Taking Mama Natural Birth Course was the most helpful preparation. I understood the cascade of interventions and was able to dodge it. I was ready to address hospital staff and hold my ground.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    The pushing process was a surprise. I thought it was a few good pushes and you meg the finish line. Nope!

  • I was prepared to answer questions and dispute procedures that are common in hospitals but not on my natural birth plan. It gave me the confidence to make the journey MINE.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Breathing! My family was a huge help. I had 11 hours of pit contractions that made me want to give up many times. My family continued to support me and my decision to stay as natural as possible. They lead me through the slow breath for hours.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Honestly, it had been 27 hours since my water broke and I was exhausted. It was a relief to hold my baby in my arms and know that we all made it. It was a long birth journey but we conquered it! I didn't feel the "unforgettable connection" until a few hours later once everything settled down and the endorphins kicked in. I remember looking around the hospital room and thinking oh my gosh, we have a baby boy!

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    We named our baby Mason because my husband and I both liked the name. We thought it was unique but not strange like some celebrities. lol, his middle name is my maiden name to keep the family heritage alive.

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    I was prepared to answer questions and dispute procedures that are common in hospitals but not on my natural birth plan. It gave me the confidence to make the journey MINE.

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