Birth Stories

Understanding And Believing That It was A Natural Process Not To be Feared Helped Tracy During Her Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had a lot of doubts as a first-time mom. I was squatting in the shower trying to relax through the moderately painful contractions. I knew the contractions weren't "just" Braxton Hicks anymore. I still needed my mother in law's reassurance to go to the hospital before I really believed it. But when I saw the baby warmer the reality hit me that this was real!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I was really fearful I was going to tear, and that if I did then I'd feel the tear. I did end up with a 2nd-degree tear, but I didn't feel it happening. And I feel like I healed faster than a friend with an episiotomy. "Naturally give way" is a much better way to describe it because my body "opened up" exactly where it needed to.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I was already active so most of my preparation was mental. Number one thing that helped was I called the contraction exactly what it was, a muscle contraction. I understood and believed that this was a natural process not to be feared. This helped my mindset which helped my breathing and helped me relax. I read "supernatural childbirth" and listened to "childbirth in the glory" and spoke with authority to my body and my baby (like a Christian hypnobirthing) lastly, I created a list of worship music I listened to in the months first-time delivery, and felt like Jesus and my spirit we're aligned in my birth

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How fast it was for a first birth. I arrived at the Hospital at 7cm and had my baby only 3 hours later. Also, I was surprised that pushing was so easy, and actually the pain went away while I pushed, it was an amazing feeling, it was joyful!

  • When your soul wants something your body will align.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Squatting in the hot shower, resting in between contractions on hands and knees, did I mention the hot shower?!
    Also, a cold wash cloth on my forehead and closing my eyes helped me focus instead of fearing the process

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my back, because I allowed an intern in, but I spent most of my pushing on my hands and knees and side-lying

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    She was so warm, wet and heavy on my chest. She was so real! I touched her head as she was crowning. Then all of a sudden I pushed her head out and her shoulders. I reached down and grabbed her and I swear time stopped. Her feet were still inside me as I held her and saw her scrunchy face. She was purple and opened her eyes and stared at me. I really feel like that moment was paused. Then the intern brought me back and said "keep going, you've got her! " and then I remembered her legs or feet were still in me hahaha so I pulled her up onto my chest and she cried and I couldn't believe it! She was so warm and wet and heavy and perfect! The nurses did all their first checks with her on my chest and I had skin to skin for one hour and fed her. It was so perfect!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Make sure it's your choice and not just a "fad" you think is cool. When your soul wants something your body will align.
    Also, take your time to rest in the beginning, don't get so excited and "waste" your energy

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