Birth Stories

How Being Prepared Helped Jenni Have a Natural Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    It had been a long summer day outside poolside. My husband had just picked up my oldest son to take to an appointment 45 minutes away. My sister (who had flown in a week prior to try to catch the birth) let the pool with me and we drove home. I parked in our driveway, turned off the van, and got out. As I was getting out had my first real contraction. I had been having warming up contractions the last couple of weeks, but this one was different. It definitely was a labor pain.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Dealing with the skepticism of others who questioned whether a woman could have 2 hospital/epidural births behind her and then put herself in a position to have a natural birth with no immediately available medical interventions.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Study the Bradley method. My husband and I each read a book regarding husband coached birthing: one by Bradley himself and the other by a different author. We shared our insights with each other and then did hip opening exercises together. We also had a friend who was a nurse come over and give us practical exercises to prepare us for birth as inspired by the book, Birthing from Within.
    Doing these things together made us both prepared. I was ready to face the labor pains, and he was ready to support me through them with really little assistance from my midwives.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I surprised myself when I hit that moment where I did not believe I would be able to do it, where I could not imagine facing another painful contraction. And then, just as I was thinking that, my water broke (on its own for the first time!) and I had a resurgence of energy and focus. I went to the bathroom, got into the birth tub (all of my labor prior to this was outside the tub) and within 10 minutes, my baby was born!

  • Just when I though I could not face another painful contraction, my water broke (on its own for the first time!) and I had a resurgence of energy and focus.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Picturing my uterus during contractions, making progress with each one.
    Also letting my primal sounds come out during contractions. Now, let me clarify: I am a Christian who believes in a Creator, so when I say primal I do not mean to imply notions of macro evolution, but what I do mean to say is that I allowed myself to be uninhibited by my surroundings. For me this sounded like "humming" to others. I am sure those sounds are different for each woman. I took this idea from Birthing from Within as well. It really helped me be more internal during my contractions vs external which helped manage the pain and keep my perspective balanced.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Standing up on my knees in a birth tub.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    This I will say was the same for all 3, natural birth or not, I was "blissed" out of my mind to hold my new baby.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Believe first in yourself, get your partner on board as a second priority, and journey as much as possible together. When it comes time to face the contractions, give yourself permission to be self absorbed. I mean, in the most selfless-kind-of-mommy-bearing-down way. ?

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