Birth Stories

Jillian Labored at Home before a Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I awoke at 6:30am to use the bathroom as 40 week pregnant do, and thought I peed my pants, but it continued to trickle for much longer than expected. However, regular contractions did not begin until around 11am after a visit to my midwives' office to be checked.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    It was all mental. The biggest challenge was to convince my family not to go to the hospital until I was ready. When "real labor" began I was sent to the bathroom. I know this is natures way of emptying your body prior to birth, but it kicked contractions into high gear. After my 3rd trip to the bathroom I walked out, went into the kitchen and laid my head on the cool granite and let myself cry for a few seconds. I told myself...out loud..."one tough day, it's only one hard day Jill, you can do this." After that, I didn't shed a tear until our son was born.

  • Easton-birth
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    First off, trust in God that He would protect me and my son. For weeks I meditated and prayed this prayer. Second, my husband and I created a flexible birth plan with the Doula. We knew that some interventions would possibly be needed, or some things may not happen how I wanted or expected, but we made priorities. Number one was that I wanted to labor at home until I couldn't anymore. He and my doula kept assuring my nervous parents that at 7 minutes apart, I did not need to rush to hospital. We labored at home until contractions were 3 minutes apart, and I was 7 cm. when I checked into the hospital.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Two things surprised me. First, how fast it took. 12 hours is not too bad for a first birth 9lbs 15oz baby, only 7 hours of that was actually painful. Second, the nurses actually followed my birth plan! I requested that they do not ask me if I wanted drugs. They kept the lights dim, and spoke softly. They asked my husband when I was in transition if I wanted anything for pain, and he simply responded, "she'll ask for it if she really wants it." I guess what really surprised me was that I never asked for it! It took awhile to get the tub filled up where I could get in, and I think I was too focused on that to pay attention to the pain medication option.

  • I told myself...out loud..."one tough day, it's only one hard day Jill, you can do this." After that, I didn't shed a tear until our son was born.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Warm water, bath, hot pack, sitting on the toilet.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Squatting in the birth tub. My back was hurting so bad being in that position for an hour, and I tried laying back but that felt worse!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    AMAZING! It is so surreal when you grab your baby and pull him onto your chest. Life officially changed at that moment, and you're holding a part of yourself.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    1.) Stay focused and confident
    2.) Have a plan, but be flexible
    3.) Meditate and prepare mentally on the task
    4.) Tons of women do this everyday, you can too!

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