Birth Stories

Making a Decision To Do It All-Natural and Drug-Free Helped Rebekah During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Contractions started about 7 p.m. on February 9th. They were about 20-30 minutes apart at first, but they weren't going away, so when they got to be about 15-20 minutes apart, I was getting more suspicious about REALLY being in labor. The contractions weren't going away, and getting slowly but progressively stronger. I was also four days past my due date, so I guess I just kinda knew that these were real contractions.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I think the most challenging thing about going natural was knowing that I wasn't going to have an epidural. :) Looking back on it, however, there wasn't really anything challenging. God created our bodies so they could do this amazing, yet painful, childbirth thing. Prayer and patience got me through my contractions and laboring for 9 hours at home before going to the hospital. The last 10 minutes were absolutely terrible, as far as pain/pressure goes, but I was standing for most of it, which probably made it a lot easier as gravity is friendly.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I don't know if I really did anything to prepare for childbirth. I made a decision at the beginning of my pregnancy that I was going to do it all-natural and drug-free, so having that thought in my head for 40 weeks made it easier to follow through when the time came for my labor to start. I was determined to do it and I was determined to stay at home as long as possible because I knew that if I was in the hospital, I would have been more tempted to get an epidural. I prayed a lot and asked Jesus to help me through my contractions. I also had a wonderful support system through my husband.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised that, overall, it was easier than I thought it would be. That may have been because I was at home for most of my labor. Or it could have been because when I was in the hospital, I was upright a lot - bouncing on my birthing ball in the shower, sitting up in a chair, or on my feet. I had also been in tons of pain during my pregnancy due to terrible sciatica, low back pain, and SPD, so I was surprised that my little one was only 6 pounds 10 ounces. :)

  • You can do it! God made your body for this. That's all my advice. :) Just know that no matter how you end up giving birth, you are beautiful. And your birth story is your birth story. :) You can do it though!!!! I believe in you!!!!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The hour after I got to the hospital and into our room, I bounced on my birthing ball inside the shower while my husband used the shower hose to shoot water on my back. That was wonderful. When the contractions were super terrible after my midwife broke my water, she pushed her hands into my knees for counter pressure and it literally took the pain away. I was in shock. Haha. And then when that didn't help anymore, she pinched an area of my hand, and again, the contraction pain went away. But after a little while, the counter pressures didn't help anymore.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    The 10 minutes before she arrived, I was standing next to the bed holding onto my husband's neck (for dear life) rocking back and forth (dancing without moving feet). At the very end, my midwife wanted me to lay down on the bed. At first I argued (haha), but she insisted, so I did a jump/roll thing into the bed as to not sit on Baby's head (haha) and 10 seconds later, she was out. Gravity is your friend, ladies!! Be on your feet or upright if you can. As much as you can.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazingly wonderful. I did all-natural, drug-free labor and I had such pain in the last 10-ish weeks of my pregnancy that holding her felt like a beautiful reward for what I had been through the last 10-ish weeks. Let me say that she would feel like a beautiful reward at anytime, but this time ... it was just amazing. She the most beautiful thing I had ever seen at that moment in time.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You can do it! God made your body for this. That's all my advice. :) Just know that no matter how you end up giving birth, you are beautiful. And your birth story is your birth story. :) You can do it though!!!! I believe in you!!!!

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