Birth Stories

Reading Ina May Gaskins Guide to Childbirth Helped Monique During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I lost my mucus plug on my due date (14th feb) so I knew labor could be close but as a first time mum I tried to remind myself that it could still be a week or so before anything happens. The next day when my fiancé had just left for work I got my first surge (contraction) at around 5.20am. The next one came around 10 minutes later and made me jump out of bed to lean over. I had another 4 by the time 6am came and I text my fiancé saying "today could be the day" ... he had just arrived at work lol

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I didn't find it that challenging "going natural" because I prepared really well throughout my pregnancy and going natural was a no brainer for me as it matches my lifestyle. One thing that did happen during labor was my tailbone wouldn't untuck so I was experiencing pain in my lower back. It was challenging trying to untuck it and be brave and change positions during the transition stage of labor.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I did A LOT to prepare. Starting by reading Ina May Gaskins 'Guide to childbirth' - an amazing book! I also read Rhea Dempsey's 'birth with confidence'. I did stretches and exercises everyday, sat on a birth ball, watched my posture, stayed active, continued yoga, ate dates, drank red raspberry leaf tea and took the capsules, ate healthy, did some perineal massage, did pre-birth acupuncture sessions and saw a chiro for the last few weeks of my pregnancy. Myself and my fiancé also did a hypnobirthing class. Most of it is mental and emotional preparation which we worked on in the hypnobirthing classes. I also spent a lot of time practicing the hypnosis/relaxation (by myself and with my fiancé) and listened to the affirmations everyday and did visualizations. I also made my own affirmations to hang up in my birth space and we were given a few other things to hang up around the house such as a flow chart for 'what positive birth means to me' etc.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That I ended up birthing my son Rylie out of the birth pool, and he was born on my ensuit bathroom floor! Also how quick it seemed to go, I was in labor for around 12 hours but it didn't feel like that at all! Also I was surprised that I seemed to go into active labor right away, with contractions staying at 5-10 minutes apart right from the start.

  • You can do it! But you have to be dedicated and motivated and prepare! You can't go into it without loads and loads of preparation and expect to be able to do it. You need to truly want it like there is no other option.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I used a tens machine for the first few hours, which worked fairly well. Then I had to take it off to go in the birth pool. The pool was great, it took a lot of pressure off my back and belly and made it easy to move.. for most of my surges I floated on my back with my fiancé supporting my neck and back. Deep breathing down to my belly/baby also helped, and being vocal with low pitched moans, and "horse lips". My acupuncturist also attended the birth and did some acupressure on me which I think helped to relax me. Also breathing my baby out and gently bearing down instead of pushing helped.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I started pushing on the toilet, then got down on my hands and knees to birth him.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazing!! Exhilarating and relieved, I was just sobbing with happiness and shock!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You can do it! But you have to be dedicated and motivated and prepare! You can't go into it without loads and loads of preparation and expect to be able to do it. You need to truly want it like there is no other option. Have the right support team too, my midwife, acupuncturist and fiancé were all amazing support and encouraged me the whole time. Mental and emotional preparation are the most important, but looking after yourself and your body too helps so much. Do a hypnobirthing class if you can. You are made to give birth and your body knows what to do. Just believe in yourself.

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