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Birth Stories

Taking Bradley Classes Helped Danielle During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had a lot of pre-labor contractions in the weeks before my little one was born. I wasn't completely sure I was in labor when I started having a different type of pain that went across my entire stomach. I also had the bloody show start. We waited 14 hrs with contractions never getting into a pattern until we went to our scheduled doctor appointment. They sent us on to the hospital. We didn't even get to see the doctor, I guess I looked like a women dealing with labor pains.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I think believing I could endure it. At first, I was so ready to go. But after 24 hours of contractions it got harder to keep up my faith that I could do this. My total labor from first real contraction that started with 30-45 minute apart contractions until baby was born was 41.5 hours. Yes there is pain, but remaining calm and remembering to breathe deeply through each one got more challenging as the hours went by. I never got patterned contractions, so I had no idea when the next one would hit. I also had one contraction that didn't release for 40 min.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I am so glad I took Bradley classes. My husband and I were both able to talk about what we wanted to do, and how to handle situations. Practicing relaxation and breathing with all the hours of pre-labor contractions helped me feel more confident.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was shocked I made it all the way without a single drop of medicine. It was an amazing feeling to know that I gave birth with my body and baby and nothing else. We ended up with a forceps delivery, due to baby's heart rate decreasing to 90. You find another layer of strength when you get to push. But somehow, I still was shocked how little pain I felt after baby was there.

  • Prepare mentally for the endurance you will need. I like that someone told me its a marathon, don't expect to run at full speed. Know that you are stronger than you think, and you can do this by taking it one contraction at a time. It does come to an end.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    We moved around! I enjoyed siting backwards on the toilet and have my husband do hip squeezes. Also, swaying with him. Remembering to moan deeply and take good breaths helped my focus be on something other than the pain.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I ended up on semi-reclined in a sitting squat. I had wanted to do a full squat but had been in labor for so long that I didn't have the energy to move to that position.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It's a feeling like no other. She wasn't breathing when they delivered her and she was actually blue. So, when they placed her on my chest and showed me her gender I cried. I couldn't process how I had just been given the small human that had been inside me. My baby was perfect to me!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Take classes to know what to expect. Practice different positions to get a feel for what you are comfortable doing. (Not everyone is comfortable with every position.) Have a great team with you. At first, my Mom didn't understand the need for an assistant coach, but after seeing how having the assistant helped my Mom understood. Make sure you and your coach(es) all understand what you want. Prepare mentally for the endurance you will need. I like that someone told me its a marathon, don't expect to run at full speed. Know that you are stronger than you think, and you can do this by taking it one contraction at a time. It does come to an end.

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