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Birth Stories

Understanding The Birth Process And Having a Lot Of Information Helped Bethany During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My water broke just before 11 am at 39w4d. It leaked all day but I didn't go into labour. That evening I went to the hospital to confirm rupture of membranes and be assessed. By the time the OB saw me, it was 12 hours since ROM, so she recommended induction. I had called my midwife earlier in the day and she told me I could wait 24 hours if I wanted to. I'm so thankful I had that assurance in the back of my mind. I declined induction and my husband and I went home to get some sleep, planning to return to the hospital for induction at 8 am if I still hadn't gone into labour.
    After mild contractions during the night, I woke up at 7 feeling nothing and obviously a bit disappointed. At about 7:20, I had the first contraction that actually felt painful. After about an hour of contractions around 5 - 6 minutes apart, things really sped up!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    My baby was considered high risk because of Gestational Diabetes, so when I got to the hospital, I was put on the continuous fetal monitor. The only time I doubted my ability to go natural was while I was hooked up to the monitor and couldn't move off the bed! With back labour and contractions under 2 minutes apart, having limited movement was a challenge. As soon as I was off the monitor and could walk and get in the shower, the pain was so much more manageable!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    During labour I felt very familiar with the process. I knew what to expect, so nothing scared me. As I recognized the signs of various stages of labour, I was encouraged and motivated because I knew things were progressing. Understanding the birth process and having a lot of information gave me confidence and really helped me in labour. I also drank Red Raspberry Leaf Tea regularly starting around 22 weeks. The OB said I was a "good pusher" - I'm sure RRL Tea contributed to a shorter labour and stronger and more effective uterine muscles.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    It was fast! I never thought I would have a fast labour. I felt the first real contraction at 7:20 am, got to the hospital at 8:20, was assessed around 9:00 and was 7 centimeters dilated, and delivered my baby at 11:11 am! Just under 4 hours of labour with about 20 minutes of pushing. Because it was quick, my contractions were intense, but I could tell labour was progressing well, which helped me keep going. We were home by 5 pm!

  • Be informed by taking a natural birth class, reading, watching birth videos - know what to expect and don't be afraid. Have a support person who knows what you want and will affirm your desire for a natural birth.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My husband applying pressure on my hips was really helpful. Back labour was very painful and I wouldn't let him leave for a single contraction. :) Once I got in the shower, hot water on my lower back felt great! Breathing through each contraction and horse lips also helped while I was stuck in the bed, on the monitor.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I tried pushing a little while squatting in the shower to see how it felt. When my doula realized I was thinking about pushing, they had me move back to the bed. I pushed for a few minutes squatting or on hands and knees, moving to whatever position felt comfortable. At the very end they had me move onto my back, which I wasn't expecting. The bed was inclined to a sitting position, so it still felt ok for pushing. Next time, though, I'm not letting anyone tell me what position to deliver in. ;)

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazing! It was incredible to realize labour was over and I had achieved the natural birth I'd been praying and preparing for. Finally meeting the baby I'd been loving for so long was surreal and so precious. After mentally preparing for an induction because of GD, I couldn't be more grateful for the way my labour went.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Be informed by taking a natural birth class, reading, watching birth videos - know what to expect and don't be afraid. Have a support person who knows what you want and will affirm your desire for a natural birth. My husband knew exactly what I wanted for the delivery, so I wasn't worried about having to advocate for myself during labour. My sister was very affirming throughout pregnancy, and always told me I could have a natural birth, even when GD threatened that goal. My brother told me often that he was praying daily that I would have a natural birth (even though I don't think he really knows what that means! ;) ).
    Drink RRL tea! Get some exercise and keep your body moving.

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