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Birth Stories

Whitney's Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    On a Sunday afternoon. My contractions came consistently, I just knew we were going to have our first baby that day, however I didn't plan for it to slow way down and our fist child be born 23 hours later.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Back labor was the most challenging part for me and not dilating. My husband would rub essential oils where my back was hurting and that would give relief for a short time. My midwife manually dilated me and broke my water and then things moved right along 20 min later our son was born.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I did a lot of praying before childbirth and during labor. I didn't want to yell at my husband during labor, I wanted to remain calm and keep my face and body calm so I could work through the contractions with my husband by my side. I did succeed I didn't yell at him in fact I was able to do some joking with him between a contraction.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    There were a few surprises about my birth. 1.) My body amazed me, it knew what needed to be done in the pushing and it was amazing. 2.) My son was laid on my chest and he looked nothing like me, I thought for the whole pregnancy that I was going to have a brown eyed baby, I have such dark eyes that that aren't really even brown they are darker and I was sure my child would have brown eyes.

  • Your body is strong, you will come to a point when you think you can't handle it anymore, because lets be real its painful, but then this strength comes from somewhere and you just know you can keep going.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My mother was there through part of my labor, (she has also home delivered) she showed my husband how to support my with squatting through each contraction, my husband held me each contraction for over 12 hours.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I used two positions, I squatted to push the baby through the cervix, then hoped on the bed for the rest of the delivery. I didn't feel strong enough to hold myself up though the whole delivery in a squat.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    The first time my child was placed on my chest I was in a whirlwind of thought, I couldn't believe this child came from my womb, I couldn't believe that this is my perfect little newborn (that I was told by Dr's we couldn't have) I was overjoyed and had no words, I could only look at my child and look at my husband in this amazement.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Your body is strong, you will come to a point when you think you can't handle it anymore, because lets be real its painful, but then this strength comes from somewhere and you just know you can keep going. Remember this pain isn't for no reason, you get the greatest reward at the end.

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