Birth Stories

Packing A Hospital Bag Ahead of Time Helped Michelle During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I woke up at 4am. Was in pain sitting at the computer. The pain was going away and coming back, every 15-20 minutes. I could not stand up straight. I took a pain reliever, and laid back down for a few hours. The hospital didn't want me to come in to soon, so I took a nap. Which was had to do!
    Around 12 noon, I was bending over in pain. Doctors were thinking of inducing me because baby was late. They had no idea I was in real labor. Until I was crying out in pain in the exam room. Was waiting to see if I was dilated, which I was very much so! They told me to go over to the hospital right away. Good thing it was across the stress.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Trying to breath correctly was the most challenging part of labor. Seemed like holding my breath and tensing up, toned down the pain a little. Hoping the father would be there in the delivery room, was nerve wrecking. I didn't have close family here in NC. So finding anyone at short notice, to help out, was near impossible.
    I had a epidural done, because having no pain tolerance and make things very uncomfortable. Found that out with my first born. Second time around giving birth, I knew what to do.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I was not really prepared for childbirth. The father works out of the city all the time. Thankfully, he stayed home with me that day I was having contractions. He would of been two hours away. Glad he was near by. This was my second child birth, and I didn't have anyone to watch my first born, while in the hospital. You can't have children in the emergency room. So sadly, the father missed the birth. The father had to watch our 11 month old son, while the second one was minutes away from being born.
    The most helpful thing I did for my baby, was packing a hospital bag ahead of time. Also, communicating with the child's father was very important. Parents don't always plan perfect, but at least they find away, always!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    You don't need a room full of supports to give life, to a gorgeous baby. Women are strong, they don't always need someone to hold there hand. It would be nice for people to be their for you, while giving birth. All in all, birth alone in the delivery room was less stressful. Word to the wise, you are the hero of your babies. Mothers give their all, to bring something so special into the world.

  • I would say plan ahead. Had a working phone at all time, and charged. Rate your pain scale, to make sure your not alone when going into labor. Have transportation to the hospital, I almost didn't have one!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I had a epidural. That made things way easier to give birth. If you have sensitive skin and have no pain tolerance, you might want the epidural!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was laying on my back, spread eagle.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I cried out of joy, but also out of shame. Why would I feel shame? because I didn't plan the birth the way I hoped to. Seeing the babies eyes, made me see love all over again.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    I would say plan ahead. Had a working phone at all time, and charged. Rate your pain scale, to make sure your not alone when going into labor. Have transportation to the hospital, I almost didn't have one!

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