Birth Stories

Reading Ina May Gaskins Book Guide To Childbirth and Taking a Natural Childbirth Class Helped Brooke During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    It was thanksgiving day, I was 39.4 weeks, and I had been 3 cm dilated for almost three weeks with on and off contractions. I admit I had told my husband daily that "today was the day". BUT, I did say at thanksgiving lunch with all my family that 100% without a doubt tonight we would be in the hospital and that my contractions were more intense, sometimes throughout the meal, I had to stop talking to focus on them so I pretty much knew it was the day. Around 3:30 I told my husband I wanted to go to the hospital, (we had done this before and been sent home so he resisted and asked me to wait an hour to see if I STILL wanted to go) well an hour passed and I did so we went and surprisingly I was still just 3 cm but they sent us up to L&D since it was thanksgiving and no one was there intentionally for an induction or c section. This was very lucky for us because of how fast I labored!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging part of going unmedicated for myself was the hospital not letting me just "do my thing" the way I wanted. I had nurses running everywhere speaking loudly to me trying to make me get on the bed because they were made panicky by how fast I progressed. If I had been in a quiet, serene setting, I think I would have enjoyed the experience sinifficantly more. I also was super focused on handling the intensity and didn't notice (until I felt it) that the doctor in the hospital (my doctor didn't make it because I was FAST) gave me a 100% total unnecessary episiotomy. I found out later that he's an old school older doctor and gives this to every. Single. Mom. He delivers. I was mad. We are planning our next birth at our local birth center.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    We read Ina may gaskins book guide to childbirth and took a natural childbirth class. It really helped me feel prepared and my husband and I practiced techniques the weeks leading up to labor.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised with how crazy primal the urge to push was, I've never experienced a natural, unsupressae urge comparable to that. I was also surprised how much less intense it was compared to transition. Pushing wasn't so bad, it burned and was intense but transition was way more taxing. I got this huge rush of adrenaline and a second wind when the push time came

  • Surround your birth experience with naturally friendly surrounding. GET a natural friendly midwife or doctor, natural friendly hospital or birth center, and hire a doula. The setting you're in will significantly impact your experience and confidence in such an intimate process.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I did breathing and sway dancing on my husband, I was standing up and moving the whole time. That helped for sure and I think it sped things up. There really wasn't a lot of time for a lot of techniques.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was half sitting half lying down, kind of the traditional birthing position for a hospital. I wanted to remain standing and squat her out but the doctor and nurses were all very forcefully and loudly insisting that I get in the bed like that. In the chaos, I did it. I plan to try side lying or water both for our next!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Totally and utterly blissful. It was so empowering and instinctive to hold her against me and initiate her first feeding. She was the start of the best chapter in my entire life and I've never felt so completely fulfilled.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    My biggest piece of advice is to surround your birth experience with naturally friendly surrounding. GET a natural friendly midwife or doctor, natural friendly hospital or birth center, and hire a doula. The setting you're in will significantly impact your experience and confidence in such an intimate process.

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