Birth Stories

Reading Mama Natural Book And Working Out Frequently Helped Tabitha Achieve Her Third Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    At 37 weeks and 4 days, I was uncertain that night if the unsteady cramps I was experiencing were true contractions or yet another round of Braxton Hicks. I'd had my previous two children at 34 weeks and 40 weeks, so my idea of when I would go into labor was a toss-up. I went through the morning with more contractions and my husband even headed into work while I fed my 4 and 2-year-old breakfast between the tight cramps. Finally, after I'd told my husband to come home I began to admit it could truly be labor--but even then I had to ask my midwife over the phone!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The later stages of my labor are always the hardest. My water has never broken on its own with any of my three children, and this labor was not any different. I felt the desire to often bear down before I knew it was even time to push, hoping to speed things along. When I had gone through many contractions like that, I finally asked my midwives to help break my water. The bag was bulging but the check my midwife did before breaking it, though needed, was incredibly painful. While side lying my midwife broke it and I knew that the most difficult part of my labor would be over soon. My other labors had ended shortly after having my water broken, giving me time to push.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I read Mama Natural's new pregnancy guide and found it fun and helpful, despite the fact I'd already had two home births under my belt. It helped me to prepare for my third birth with more peace. Although I'd had uneventful births with my previous two, I still harbored some uncertainty over the pain and rereading information on birth was a great comfort. I also worked out frequently, stretching every night and continuing to run up until around 34 weeks. Although I don't believe this helped with my labor in the long run, during my pregnancy it made me feel more energetic and less sore overall.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I kept the gender of my baby secret, so it was certainly a surprise seeing my little boy, [mn_baby_name_link slug="boy-Paul"] [mn_baby_name_link slug="boy-David"]. Interestingly, I had thought he was a boy during my entire pregnancy, just as I'd guessed the gender of my second (a girl). I was also surprised my labor lasted as long as it did (about 10 hours). I was hoping with all the exercise I did, it would be short and easy like my second's 6-hour birth. Unfortunately, it was just as many people had told me: the third child is the wild card! Despite that, I was so pleased with yet another wonderful home birth and couldn't imagine being anywhere than my own bed after my birth. My midwives were simply amazing, massaging my back and offering me limitless support during my pregnancy, labor and postpartum period. I would recommend every pregnant woman with a healthy pregnancy to look into home birth. After three, there's nothing like it to me!
    I was glad to close this chapter on my family's size with this sweet birth.

  • Whether it's your first or your third, a great support team can help you reach your goals for a natural birth.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My midwife used a lot of massage on my back during my contractions. I moved positions frequently and used an exercise ball to lean on.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I'll never forget looking over at my husband as I settled into bed holding my last baby. My husband was wiping tears from his eyes and I couldn't help but tear up myself. I will never forget the relief I felt to be finished with my labor and holding our little surprise.

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    We named our baby Paul David. Paul is a biblical name, which is a big part of our life, but we struggled actually naming him until three days after birth! We called him another name for a day, but Paul felt more natural to me although now it is more uncommon for young boys. His middle name, David, was after his much loved and respected grandfather.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Whether it's your first or your third, a great support team can help you reach your goals for a natural birth. This birth was by far my best because of my two excellent midwives. They felt like not only medical professionals with a wealth of information but friends as well. If you are comfortable and confident with your healthcare providers, it will go a long way to keep you relaxed and able to birth in the best way possible without unnecessary intervention and pressure. I had no stress and felt completely relaxed with my midwives. I have such thankfulness in my heart for them.

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