Birth Stories

Researching and Educating Herself of What to Expect Helped Michelle During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When it was confirmed by the triage nurse that I had a ruptured amniotic sac! I suspected that my water broke in the middle of the night at 3:20am, so I went in to the ER just to be sure, but I just knew I was going to be sent home. Instead, it was the beginning of a long day!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The back pain! I had been having 3-4 soft stools a day for 2 weeks leading up to delivery. They weren't causing any pains or discomfort, but I was dispelling a whole lot of poop! I knew for sure I had to make a bowel movement at around 5-6 cm dilated, but I was told not to push when using the bathroom because the pressure of the baby can be mistaken as a bowel movement. Needless to say, it was a bowel movement and caused me a lot of back pain when the contractions got stronger! I trusted my nurse, but boy, I wished I would've just pooped without saying anything about it to her. Lol!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I researched and educated myself of what to expect. My husband and I attended a birthing class offered by the hospital we gave birth at. It was amazing and very helpful! Also, signing up for news letters and downloading pregnancy apps really kept me informed of what my body was going through during pregnancy and what to expect during labor.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was very surprised of how long I actually pushed! I've always read and heard that pushing is quick when it's done with no pain meds. That wasn't the case for me at all! I pushed for about an hour and a half! The exhaustion made me want to give up and it felt as if I wasn't going to be able to get my baby's head out! The nurse brought a mirror for me to see the action and I got really scared seeing what was going on! It discouraged me a little seeing the reflection of my bottom blowing up like a balloon and, in reality, I probably could've pushed harder but I was afraid to after getting that visual! Lol!

  • Know and listen to your body and to educate yourself. It can be done with hard work!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I played candy crush up until around 7cm when the contractions started to take my breath away! I had my husband to squeeze on my pressure point by the thumb...this really help distract some of my attention away from the pain of contractions. Getting on my hands and knees helped to take a lot of the pressure off of my back and it helped progress the dilation.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered in a reclined positioned with my legs way up and pulled against my chest.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It felt AMAZING! He was so soft and warm! It took me a few minutes to look at him when he was placed on my chest after delivery....the feeling was so unreal and it felt like a dream that my baby was finally in my arms. So many emotions overcame me, especially with loosing my mom at 10 weeks pregnant! Very bittersweet moment for us.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    It's definitely not for everyone! The most important part is to know and listen to your body and to educate yourself. It can be done with hard work! If going natural is what you want to do and no one or nothing can change your mind, then go for it! It's a great experience and you'll live through it...I promise!

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