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Birth Stories

Listening to Mama Natural's Birth Affirmations Was So Helpful For Sarah During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I started having real, regular contractions on Wednesday afternoon. They stayed about 8-12 minutes apart and never went away, but weren't getting much closer together. By Friday night, I called my midwife to ask what the heck was going on. She said it could still be a while and to try to rest as much as possible. Which was not easy to do as I never got a break from the contractions! By 3am I was shaking and nauseous and the contractions were about three minutes apart. So I assumed this was it and the midwife said it was time to come in! We drove through a blizzard and it took over an hour to get there. When I got there I started throwing up and they said this was a great sign that this was it! I tried to rest and then we decided to do "therapeutic rest" because I hadn't slept for three nights. They gave me a medicine to help me sleep for a few hours and when it wore off they sent me home because the contractions weren't getting closer together. Her head was turned to the side, so my hormones were starting the labor process but her head wasn't in a good position to continue dilation. They told us it could still be a few days! Which was not easy to hear. At home, we used the rebozo to help get her in a better position, and contractions started getting closer together again. I started getting discouraged thinking I was too tired and couldn't do it for much longer! I sat on the birthing ball and slept for a few minutes in between contractions, and I still wasn't convinced that she was going to come for a while! Around 5am I had three contractions without a break and I started pushing! THIS was when I knew our baby was coming!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I was so tired from not sleeping for four nights! A lot of preparing mentally was thinking "I can do anything for one day", so I had to work even harder mentally to keep going after a few days. I am amazed at what my body was able to do even though I was exhausted!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Learning as much as I could about birth helped me so much. Knowing that my body was designed to give birth and understanding the process took away any fears I had. Reading birth stories, books about natural birth, and listening to Mama Natural's birth affirmations was so helpful!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I had prayed specifically that she would be in the best position for being born, and that she'd be born during the day so I wouldn't miss a night of sleep and I'd be well rested to be able to give birth. Well he answered those prayers pretty much the opposite! But I was surprised that I was still able to have the birth experience I wanted even though I thought I needed those things to be able to do it. He gave me the strength and answered my prayers!

  • Learn as much as you can so you're not afraid and you trust your body completely. Find a birth team that will support your decisions. You can do it!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Sitting on the birthing ball! This was the only thing I wanted to do during contractions. Relaxing every muscle in my body and letting the contraction come and go as I rocked back and forth. I was looking forward to using the tub for pain relief, but by the time we got there it was too late!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    When we got to the hospital I just laid down on the bed and started pushing, laying on my left side with my husband holding my leg up during pushes. It never even occurred to me to change positions during the two hours I was pushing!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Surreal! It was an amazing feeling to reach down and lift her to my chest. I thought for sure I would cry, but I was just so happy she was here!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Learn as much as you can so you're not afraid and you trust your body completely. Find a birth team that will support your decisions. You can do it!

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