Infographic of Hallelujah name meaning, which is greatly praised
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Hallelujah Name Popularity

How popular is the name Hallelujah? Here’s everything we know.

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Names Like Hallelujah

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What names sound like Hallelujah?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Greatly praised


What names are similar to Hallelujah?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Greatly praised


Lists With Hallelujah

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Hallelujah.


  1. As followers of Jesus, we wanted our kids to have a rich spiritual meaning, something we could pray over their lives. We didn’t know the gender, and the boy name was chosen quickly but we’d been going back n forth on a girl name. It just didn’t feel settled. This past year has been really hard and totally different than what I pictured my first pregnancy to be, so I’ve kept “Hallelujah”, meaning “praise God (Yahweh)!” written on a piece of paper on our mirror as a reminder to worship even when I’m discouraged and hurting. I never really considered it as a name until randomly one day when I was 8 months pregnant. I asked my husband if he had thought anymore about a girl name and he said he had been thinking of Hallelujah! I hadn’t even told him I was thinking about that name!! I knew that would be the name of we had a girl and that we’d shorten it to Halle.

    We love that her name captures both a deep meaning and that it embodies a major theme of my life during pregnancy. We pray her life is one full of wonder of and love for Jesus and that she carries light and hope to everyone she meets!

    • Wow I am touched by this testimony.

      Thank you Bree

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