Jette Name Meaning

Originally a nickname for Henriette and other -ette ending names, Jette has steadily become an edgy favorite. She’s made to stand out and works well on a baby girl who takes life by the horns. We love her styling and would love to see her used more often.

Infographic of Jette name meaning, which is Meaning "home ruler," Jette is a Dutch name.
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Jette Name Popularity

How popular is the name Jette? Here’s everything we know.

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Names Like Jette

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What names are variants of Jette?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Jette.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender



What names sound like Jette?

If you like how Jette sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Jette.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God's promise; God is my oath



Home ruler



Jehovah increases







What names are similar to Jette?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Home ruler


Lists With Jette

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Jette.


  1. I was the only girl I ever knew in the United States named Jette. It has been a burden because I always have to say it twice and spell it out. My whole life. People always say it’s cool, but I’d rather have a common name. I gave my children recognizable names.

    • named my daughter Jette in 2009. never heard of the name before. thought Jet was cool but a bit too simple for me … so i added another t and an e … i didn’t realize it was an “actual” name … i still love the name. as does my 13 year old kid! she’s never gotten picked
      on for it. i think it’s the most beautiful name i’ve ever heard!

  2. I was named Jette and only got bullied for it. It has a great meaning but people can also make great poems out of it, or atleast in German. So please think very carefully before naming your child Jette.

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