Infographic of Armando name meaning, which is soldier
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Armando Name Popularity

How popular is the name Armando? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 485 10 0.0028%
1911 0 0%
1912 720 11 0.0022%
1913 540 33 0.0058%
1914 419 89 0.0128%
1915 520 79 0.0087%
1916 529 79 0.0082%
1917 476 106 0.0106%
1918 407 166 0.0155%
1919 407 167 0.0159%
1920 439 148 0.0133%
1921 382 218 0.019%
1922 420 165 0.0148%
1923 396 186 0.0166%
1924 432 159 0.0137%
1925 383 204 0.018%
1926 396 184 0.0167%
1927 373 208 0.0188%
1928 359 219 0.0205%
1929 372 198 0.0191%
1930 333 240 0.023%
1931 369 196 0.0199%
1932 376 188 0.019%
1933 395 151 0.0162%
1934 387 167 0.0173%
1935 405 142 0.0146%
1936 394 153 0.0159%
1937 376 170 0.0173%
1938 383 179 0.0175%
1939 377 187 0.0184%
1940 389 177 0.0167%
1941 382 191 0.017%
1942 363 238 0.0188%
1943 376 227 0.0174%
1944 358 236 0.019%
1945 341 263 0.0216%
1946 331 344 0.0233%
1947 323 410 0.0246%
1948 323 390 0.0244%
1949 308 450 0.028%
1950 305 458 0.0284%
1951 308 466 0.0275%
1952 307 509 0.0292%
1953 293 546 0.0309%
1954 298 542 0.0296%
1955 294 571 0.031%
1956 288 615 0.0326%
1957 293 617 0.0321%
1958 308 566 0.0299%
1959 316 572 0.0301%
1960 317 583 0.0308%
1961 319 566 0.03%
1962 310 601 0.0327%
1963 314 602 0.0335%
1964 308 596 0.0339%
1965 304 579 0.0354%
1966 292 617 0.0395%
1967 294 588 0.0387%
1968 296 604 0.0402%
1969 288 650 0.0422%
1970 289 695 0.0437%
1971 269 757 0.0504%
1972 256 736 0.054%
1973 259 713 0.055%
1974 237 831 0.0639%
1975 225 877 0.0682%
1976 215 930 0.0722%
1977 233 877 0.0651%
1978 238 852 0.0634%
1979 230 943 0.0669%
1980 221 1,062 0.0726%
1981 221 1,076 0.0732%
1982 238 942 0.063%
1983 233 929 0.063%
1984 236 907 0.061%
1985 231 971 0.064%
1986 224 1,023 0.0678%
1987 226 1,009 0.0661%
1988 241 957 0.0614%
1989 233 1,121 0.0695%
1990 230 1,249 0.0754%
1991 225 1,295 0.0794%
1992 233 1,237 0.0775%
1993 224 1,304 0.0836%
1994 228 1,263 0.0823%
1995 209 1,392 0.0924%
1996 223 1,319 0.0881%
1997 207 1,480 0.1001%
1998 224 1,397 0.0933%
1999 233 1,391 0.0929%
2000 238 1,403 0.0918%
2001 231 1,439 0.0955%
2002 243 1,376 0.0918%
2003 257 1,260 0.0828%
2004 242 1,353 0.0888%
2005 251 1,294 0.0846%
2006 265 1,278 0.0816%
2007 276 1,219 0.0773%
2008 294 1,111 0.0719%
2009 299 1,061 0.071%
2010 329 928 0.0644%
2011 342 851 0.0597%
2012 370 784 0.055%
2013 396 715 0.0502%
2014 398 738 0.0507%
2015 414 707 0.0486%
2016 448 641 0.0445%
2017 483 555 0.0398%
2018 473 564 0.0411%
2019 517 497 0.0367%
2020 499 533 0.0419%
2021 557 471 0.0385%
2022 567 478 0.0362%

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Rhode Island (RI)

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Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

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God's love



Pledge, oath


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1 Comment

  1. I choose the name armando .. (Why) because its my husband name

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