Eduardo Name Meaning

The name Eduardo means “rich guardian” or “rich protector.” This reflects the original Old English meaning of the name Edward, which was associated with wealth and protection.

Origins of the Name Eduardo

The name Eduardo is a Spanish form of the name Edward, which has roots in Old English. The name Edward was popular in England during the Middle Ages and was used by several important figures throughout English history, including several kings of England. The name was later introduced to Spain, where it took on the Spanish form Eduardo.

Popularity of the Name Eduardo

Eduardo is a popular name in Spanish-speaking countries, particularly in Spain and Latin America. The name is often chosen by parents looking for a strong and traditional name for their son.

Final Thoughts on the Name Eduardo

In conclusion, the name Eduardo is a classic and timeless name with a rich history and a strong association with wealth and protection. Whether you’re drawn to its Spanish roots or simply love the way it sounds, there’s no denying the impact and appeal of this charming and distinctive name.

Infographic of Eduardo name meaning, which is The Spanish form of Edward, Eduardo means wealthy guard.
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Eduardo Name Popularity

How popular is the name Eduardo? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 564 7 0.0019%
1912 765 9 0.0018%
1913 673 18 0.0032%
1914 679 26 0.0037%
1915 738 31 0.0034%
1916 789 28 0.0029%
1917 784 29 0.0029%
1918 749 38 0.0035%
1919 786 34 0.0032%
1920 726 45 0.004%
1921 689 54 0.0047%
1922 597 81 0.0073%
1923 587 77 0.0069%
1924 652 64 0.0055%
1925 677 54 0.0048%
1926 628 65 0.0059%
1927 605 71 0.0064%
1928 490 117 0.0109%
1929 548 80 0.0077%
1930 518 92 0.0088%
1931 537 80 0.0081%
1932 575 69 0.007%
1933 604 56 0.006%
1934 530 85 0.0088%
1935 562 70 0.0072%
1936 558 67 0.007%
1937 549 74 0.0075%
1938 571 70 0.0068%
1939 584 63 0.0062%
1940 652 51 0.0048%
1941 572 72 0.0064%
1942 686 50 0.004%
1943 580 78 0.006%
1944 566 78 0.0063%
1945 542 82 0.0067%
1946 531 105 0.0071%
1947 577 99 0.0059%
1948 518 120 0.0075%
1949 507 130 0.0081%
1950 498 137 0.0085%
1951 477 160 0.0094%
1952 485 164 0.0094%
1953 495 159 0.009%
1954 491 177 0.0097%
1955 459 217 0.0118%
1956 468 214 0.0113%
1957 459 236 0.0123%
1958 433 285 0.0151%
1959 442 284 0.0149%
1960 402 340 0.0179%
1961 410 337 0.0179%
1962 371 430 0.0234%
1963 379 410 0.0228%
1964 361 428 0.0243%
1965 329 488 0.0298%
1966 326 490 0.0314%
1967 326 490 0.0323%
1968 308 561 0.0374%
1969 293 631 0.041%
1970 284 710 0.0446%
1971 284 698 0.0465%
1972 274 674 0.0495%
1973 240 842 0.0649%
1974 250 775 0.0596%
1975 246 810 0.063%
1976 213 952 0.0739%
1977 228 919 0.0682%
1978 216 970 0.0721%
1979 236 911 0.0646%
1980 230 1,009 0.069%
1981 240 897 0.061%
1982 239 937 0.0627%
1983 232 939 0.0636%
1984 227 961 0.0646%
1985 224 1,013 0.0667%
1986 231 975 0.0646%
1987 223 1,040 0.0682%
1988 198 1,349 0.0866%
1989 157 1,910 0.1184%
1990 149 2,115 0.1276%
1991 130 2,478 0.152%
1992 134 2,537 0.1589%
1993 125 2,761 0.1771%
1994 113 3,249 0.2117%
1995 118 3,112 0.2065%
1996 123 2,993 0.1999%
1997 140 2,602 0.1759%
1998 145 2,454 0.164%
1999 145 2,615 0.1746%
2000 124 3,145 0.2059%
2001 112 3,401 0.2257%
2002 133 2,942 0.1963%
2003 129 3,105 0.2041%
2004 126 3,186 0.209%
2005 129 3,166 0.2071%
2006 126 3,305 0.2111%
2007 143 2,836 0.1797%
2008 142 2,858 0.1849%
2009 127 3,322 0.2223%
2010 154 2,538 0.1761%
2011 185 2,073 0.1455%
2012 205 1,843 0.1293%
2013 220 1,664 0.1169%
2014 258 1,406 0.0965%
2015 248 1,431 0.0983%
2016 272 1,306 0.0906%
2017 288 1,195 0.0856%
2018 310 1,041 0.0758%
2019 310 1,033 0.0763%
2020 323 967 0.076%
2021 335 936 0.0766%
2022 341 948 0.0719%

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Wealthy guard



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1 Comment

  1. Eduardo, just like his Dad.
    He is the only boy in the family.

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