Infographic of Jess name meaning, which is the Lord exists
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Jess Name Popularity

How popular is the name Jess? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 242 55 0.0156%
1911 262 63 0.0169%
1912 280 121 0.024%
1913 298 139 0.0245%
1914 287 198 0.0284%
1915 189 553 0.0609%
1916 220 460 0.0476%
1917 267 327 0.0327%
1918 271 356 0.0332%
1919 292 311 0.0297%
1920 309 306 0.0275%
1921 306 310 0.0271%
1922 390 199 0.0179%
1923 358 234 0.0209%
1924 374 221 0.019%
1925 367 218 0.0193%
1926 397 184 0.0167%
1927 368 212 0.0192%
1928 436 153 0.0143%
1929 420 160 0.0154%
1930 439 144 0.0138%
1931 463 114 0.0116%
1932 428 136 0.0138%
1933 437 116 0.0125%
1934 500 96 0.0099%
1935 477 103 0.0106%
1936 445 121 0.0126%
1937 441 123 0.0125%
1938 502 100 0.0098%
1939 462 110 0.0108%
1940 453 125 0.0118%
1941 494 104 0.0092%
1942 456 146 0.0116%
1943 459 144 0.011%
1944 474 123 0.0099%
1945 498 107 0.0088%
1946 438 170 0.0115%
1947 426 213 0.0128%
1948 467 162 0.0101%
1949 454 171 0.0106%
1950 499 136 0.0084%
1951 459 179 0.0106%
1952 459 195 0.0112%
1953 471 179 0.0101%
1954 462 200 0.0109%
1955 461 213 0.0116%
1956 483 200 0.0106%
1957 466 230 0.012%
1958 492 204 0.0108%
1959 555 154 0.0081%
1960 481 230 0.0121%
1961 473 241 0.0128%
1962 469 248 0.0135%
1963 479 230 0.0128%
1964 548 161 0.0091%
1965 608 111 0.0068%
1966 553 140 0.009%
1967 588 118 0.0078%
1968 593 120 0.008%
1969 658 102 0.0066%
1970 594 142 0.0089%
1971 531 186 0.0124%
1972 528 177 0.013%
1973 487 214 0.0165%
1974 469 244 0.0188%
1975 484 230 0.0179%
1976 477 227 0.0176%
1977 471 251 0.0186%
1978 425 301 0.0224%
1979 469 263 0.0187%
1980 503 240 0.0164%
1981 503 231 0.0157%
1982 467 290 0.0194%
1983 487 252 0.0171%
1984 536 209 0.014%
1985 549 211 0.0139%
1986 604 173 0.0115%
1987 658 145 0.0095%
1988 666 150 0.0096%
1989 800 107 0.0066%
1990 729 146 0.0088%
1991 793 115 0.0071%
1992 993 71 0.0044%
1993 958 79 0.0051%
1994 992 75 0.0049%
1995 1,012 76 0.005%
1996 993 77 0.0051%
1997 1,118 65 0.0044%
1998 1,524 30 0.002%
1999 1,460 34 0.0023%
2000 1,736 22 0.0014%
2001 1,670 26 0.0017%
2002 1,758 23 0.0015%
2003 2,014 16 0.0011%
2004 1,565 37 0.0024%
2005 1,745 29 0.0019%
2006 2,414 10 0.0006%
2007 2,002 21 0.0013%
2008 1,969 22 0.0014%
2009 2,603 7 0.0005%
2010 2,803 5 0.0003%
2011 2,483 8 0.0006%
2012 0 0%
2013 0 0%
2014 2,936 5 0.0003%
2015 3,038 5 0.0003%
2016 0 0%
2017 2,729 5 0.0004%
2018 0 0%
2019 0 0%
2020 0 0%
2021 0 0%
2022 0 0%

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Wyoming (WY)

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

The Lord exists



A member of the Germanic tribe, the Gauts


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God is gracious



God is salvation


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