Eloise Name Meaning

Eloise is a French name, derived from the Germanic name “Helewidis,” which means “famous warrior.” It is a combination of two words “hele” meaning “warrior” and “widis” meaning “famous.” The name suggests a strong and confident woman who is also known for her courage and bravery.

History of the Name Eloise

The name Eloise has a rich history dating back to medieval France. It was first used as a given name for women in the 12th century, and has been popular in French and English-speaking cultures ever since. The name Eloise is also associated with the medieval story of a young woman named Heloise, who was a scholar and philosopher, and the lover of the philosopher and theologian Peter Abelard.

In the 19th century, Eloise became a popular name in the United States and England, and it’s been widely used in the English-speaking world ever since.

Popularity of the Name Eloise

Eloise has been consistently popular as a girl’s name in the United States and other countries over the past few decades. As of 2021, Eloise is ranked # 548 on the list of most popular baby girl names in the United States, which is a significant increase from previous years. It’s also popular in other countries like England, Ireland, and Scotland.


In conclusion, Eloise is a unique and charming name that has a classic and elegant feel to it. It has a rich history dating back to medieval France and it’s been consistently popular in the English-speaking world. Eloise is perfect for a girl who is strong, intelligent, and confident. If you’re looking for a timeless and elegant name for your baby girl, Eloise might just be the perfect choice for you!

Infographic of Eloise name meaning, which is An English variant of the French Eloïse, Eloise means healthy one.
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Eloise Name Popularity

How popular is the name Eloise? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 236 228 0.0648%
1911 209 304 0.0816%
1912 201 440 0.0873%
1913 199 498 0.0878%
1914 199 624 0.0895%
1915 208 767 0.0844%
1916 187 928 0.0961%
1917 191 940 0.094%
1918 186 1,040 0.0969%
1919 188 1,003 0.0958%
1920 178 1,203 0.1082%
1921 166 1,352 0.1181%
1922 179 1,197 0.1074%
1923 183 1,165 0.104%
1924 186 1,184 0.102%
1925 180 1,186 0.1049%
1926 175 1,184 0.1076%
1927 180 1,139 0.1029%
1928 190 1,053 0.0984%
1929 193 983 0.0949%
1930 187 996 0.0953%
1931 195 906 0.0918%
1932 205 840 0.085%
1933 209 790 0.0848%
1934 237 681 0.0704%
1935 233 692 0.0712%
1936 251 569 0.0591%
1937 251 598 0.0607%
1938 257 568 0.0555%
1939 268 497 0.0489%
1940 280 464 0.0437%
1941 267 543 0.0482%
1942 250 722 0.0572%
1943 259 686 0.0525%
1944 282 562 0.0453%
1945 294 503 0.0412%
1946 297 566 0.0384%
1947 328 535 0.0321%
1948 341 473 0.0296%
1949 356 445 0.0277%
1950 340 486 0.0302%
1951 364 444 0.0262%
1952 419 370 0.0212%
1953 418 385 0.0218%
1954 481 294 0.0161%
1955 509 281 0.0153%
1956 504 300 0.0159%
1957 555 257 0.0134%
1958 664 178 0.0094%
1959 695 156 0.0082%
1960 744 140 0.0074%
1961 765 137 0.0073%
1962 762 139 0.0076%
1963 783 127 0.0071%
1964 938 76 0.0043%
1965 853 89 0.0054%
1966 1,052 52 0.0033%
1967 1,032 54 0.0036%
1968 1,157 44 0.0029%
1969 1,497 24 0.0016%
1970 1,446 30 0.0019%
1971 1,663 20 0.0013%
1972 1,652 19 0.0014%
1973 1,584 21 0.0016%
1974 0 0%
1975 1,987 11 0.0009%
1976 1,973 13 0.001%
1977 2,355 8 0.0006%
1978 2,425 7 0.0005%
1979 2,699 6 0.0004%
1980 3,154 5 0.0003%
1981 1,921 19 0.0013%
1982 1,912 19 0.0013%
1983 2,565 7 0.0005%
1984 0 0%
1985 2,903 6 0.0004%
1986 2,273 13 0.0009%
1987 3,091 6 0.0004%
1988 3,665 5 0.0003%
1989 0 0%
1990 2,984 9 0.0005%
1991 3,666 5 0.0003%
1992 3,606 5 0.0003%
1993 3,041 8 0.0005%
1994 3,417 6 0.0004%
1995 2,983 8 0.0005%
1996 2,826 10 0.0007%
1997 2,639 12 0.0008%
1998 2,709 12 0.0008%
1999 2,435 18 0.0012%
2000 2,361 21 0.0014%
2001 2,022 34 0.0023%
2002 1,758 48 0.0032%
2003 1,707 55 0.0036%
2004 1,339 98 0.0064%
2005 1,241 122 0.008%
2006 1,276 124 0.0079%
2007 1,313 122 0.0077%
2008 1,010 202 0.0131%
2009 908 239 0.016%
2010 520 514 0.0357%
2011 442 646 0.0453%
2012 358 827 0.058%
2013 338 916 0.0643%
2014 296 1,049 0.072%
2015 248 1,243 0.0854%
2016 201 1,554 0.1078%
2017 186 1,613 0.1156%
2018 163 1,715 0.1248%
2019 145 1,875 0.1385%
2020 142 1,865 0.1465%
2021 111 2,326 0.1903%
2022 85 2,879 0.2182%

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Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

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Rhode Island (RI)

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Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via SSA.gov.

Lists With Eloise

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Eloise.

Siblings of Eloise

Mamas with kids named Eloise also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Noble one



God supports



He (God) has favored me



Bright and pure



  1. So sweet

  2. She’s lovely

  3. We had a lot of elegant, old fashioned names in mind and thought Eloise was pretty, and she’s a little sister to a Penelope which it sounded nice with. Not intentionally Bridgerton character names but, it ended up that way. Haha. Coincidentally also, Eloise means “healthy and wide” (in some translations) and she was definitely a big healthy baby! So it was meant to be. 🙂

    • im not wide sussy

  4. This is my grandmother’s name. She was born in 1932.

  5. I named her after my Grandmother

  6. Cute

  7. Ever since I was about 10 I ‘ve loved that name and always said I would name my girl that if I had one! Comes from my favorite series when I was little “Eloise in the plaza”

  8. The first time I remember hearing the name I was watching Lost several years ago. Ever since then I decided it was a name I wanted to use and added it to my running list of baby names I keep on my phone (everyone does that, right!?)
    I love the classic sound and the fact that it’s just uncommon enough that most people have heard it before but she probably won’t have three other friends with the same name.
    The year me and my husband got married, my favorite artist (Penny + Sparrow) came out with a song called Eloise!! It has nothing to do with my baby but it made it special and I listened to it a lot when I was pregnant

  9. I’m not sure really how we ended up with Eloise on our list but my older daughter was a big fan of the movies when she was little. My older daughters and I loved the name but it took some time to get dad on board. Everyone loves the name after they hear the pronunciation but it has been difficult getting her doctors offices ect to learn how its pronounced.

  10. We love the meaning of her name (healthy/warrior), the many options for nicknames.

  11. The name just really stuck on me and it’s also close to Louisa which is my husband’s sister’s name who I’m fond of.

  12. Family name

  13. I first heard the name through the classic children’s storybooks about a mischievous little girl. I thought the name was beautiful. When my husband and I found out we were having a girl we first considered the name Eleanor, but since it had risen in popularity in recent years we wanted to go with something else classic but less popular. So we chose Eloise. I love the meaning–warrior. And it is not a common name, so people always comment on it in a positive way when we introduce our daughter.

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