Milo Name Meaning

The traditional meaning of Milo is “soldier” or “brave”, which reflects the ancient origins of the name. It can also be seen as a shortened version of the Latin name Miles, which also means “soldier” or “servant”.

Origins of the Name Milo

Milo is also associated with the character from Greek mythology, Milo of Croton. Milo was a wrestler who was said to have been so strong that he could carry a bull on his shoulders. This heroic figure is associated with strength and bravery, which is reflected in the name Milo.

Milo has ancient origins, with its roots in both Greek and Latin cultures. In Greek, the name Milo is thought to have derived from the word “mile”, which means “soldier” or “brave”. In Latin, Milo is thought to have come from the Latin word “miles”, which meant “soldier” or “servant”.

Milo was also a popular name in medieval Europe, with its use first documented in the 13th century. In more recent times, Milo was a popular name in the United States and Canada during the 19th century. It has been in the top 100 list of most popular boys’ names in the United States since the turn of the 20th century.

Popularity of the Name Milo

Milo is a popular name that has been in the top 100 list of most common boys’ names in the United States since the turn of the 20th century. It is currently ranked as the 62nd most popular boys’ name in the United States. The name is also popular in Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries around the world.

Final Thoughts on the Name Milo

Milo is a classic name that has been around for centuries and has seen a resurgence of popularity in recent years. It is a strong, masculine name with a meaning of “soldier”, and the secondary meaning of “merciful”. It is a popular choice for parents in the United States and is sure to be a timeless classic.

Infographic of Milo name meaning, which is A German variant of Miles, Milo means soldier.
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Milo Name Popularity

How popular is the name Milo? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 575 6 0.0017%
1911 0 0%
1912 419 47 0.0093%
1913 412 68 0.012%
1914 387 110 0.0158%
1915 392 152 0.0167%
1916 402 149 0.0154%
1917 388 170 0.017%
1918 422 152 0.0142%
1919 427 150 0.0143%
1920 401 180 0.0162%
1921 432 161 0.0141%
1922 424 162 0.0145%
1923 457 138 0.0123%
1924 504 116 0.01%
1925 469 125 0.0111%
1926 544 90 0.0082%
1927 531 97 0.0088%
1928 479 123 0.0115%
1929 511 97 0.0094%
1930 483 113 0.0108%
1931 526 84 0.0085%
1932 568 71 0.0072%
1933 527 80 0.0086%
1934 518 90 0.0093%
1935 615 56 0.0058%
1936 503 89 0.0092%
1937 545 75 0.0076%
1938 697 40 0.0039%
1939 740 31 0.003%
1940 617 58 0.0055%
1941 681 43 0.0038%
1942 804 29 0.0023%
1943 646 59 0.0045%
1944 713 38 0.0031%
1945 868 20 0.0016%
1946 813 30 0.002%
1947 882 28 0.0017%
1948 713 50 0.0031%
1949 709 55 0.0034%
1950 705 54 0.0034%
1951 730 53 0.0031%
1952 773 43 0.0025%
1953 909 28 0.0016%
1954 733 59 0.0032%
1955 718 60 0.0033%
1956 951 27 0.0014%
1957 936 28 0.0015%
1958 928 29 0.0015%
1959 864 39 0.0021%
1960 1,372 7 0.0004%
1961 1,091 18 0.001%
1962 1,037 20 0.0011%
1963 1,042 19 0.0011%
1964 1,120 16 0.0009%
1965 1,357 7 0.0004%
1966 1,182 12 0.0008%
1967 1,302 7 0.0005%
1968 1,211 12 0.0008%
1969 1,140 16 0.001%
1970 1,084 23 0.0014%
1971 981 31 0.0021%
1972 1,364 11 0.0008%
1973 1,074 22 0.0017%
1974 1,563 6 0.0005%
1975 1,502 9 0.0007%
1976 1,266 16 0.0012%
1977 1,425 12 0.0009%
1978 1,327 15 0.0011%
1979 1,291 18 0.0013%
1980 1,384 16 0.0011%
1981 1,409 15 0.001%
1982 1,227 22 0.0015%
1983 1,299 18 0.0012%
1984 1,359 17 0.0011%
1985 1,656 11 0.0007%
1986 1,579 13 0.0009%
1987 1,644 13 0.0009%
1988 1,995 7 0.0004%
1989 1,427 23 0.0014%
1990 1,181 43 0.0026%
1991 1,370 29 0.0018%
1992 1,728 17 0.0011%
1993 0 0%
1994 1,592 22 0.0014%
1995 1,824 14 0.0009%
1996 1,577 23 0.0015%
1997 1,244 47 0.0032%
1998 1,368 39 0.0026%
1999 1,490 32 0.0021%
2000 1,105 78 0.0051%
2001 1,037 93 0.0062%
2002 769 175 0.0117%
2003 802 168 0.011%
2004 792 178 0.0117%
2005 721 233 0.0152%
2006 673 287 0.0183%
2007 549 429 0.0272%
2008 445 595 0.0385%
2009 451 571 0.0382%
2010 422 613 0.0425%
2011 359 795 0.0558%
2012 324 941 0.066%
2013 307 1,075 0.0755%
2014 308 1,088 0.0747%
2015 282 1,265 0.0869%
2016 245 1,500 0.104%
2017 224 1,675 0.12%
2018 178 2,174 0.1582%
2019 160 2,416 0.1785%
2020 135 2,656 0.2087%
2021 127 2,882 0.2358%
2022 121 2,985 0.2263%

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Wyoming (WY)

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Mill town


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Defender of man



  1. It means warrior

  2. Anyone see the Toyota Highlander commercial featuring the name???

  3. We had the hardest time thinking of boy names we liked, and Milo was pretty much the only one we really felt drawn to.

  4. I read it in a book that I enjoyed. I like that it is not over used, yet easy to pronounce and spell.

  5. No special reason – we just liked the name and waited until he arrived to decide. As soon as we saw him we just knew it was the right fit.

  6. We picked a long list of names and waited till he was born to choose what fit him best. Names were both boy/girl as we waited till birth to found out the gender – but I had multiple dreams before he was conceived and during pregnancy that I knew he was a boy. After he was born around day 3 we chose Milo Septem Agape as his full name and it fits perfectly for who he is!

    Milo is German for peaceful and calm, which my partner and I are both German, which my Omi (grandmother in German) cried when she found out that was his name because she had a best friend growing up named Milo when she lived in Berlin who passed away as a young adult

    Septem for his middle name which means seven in Latin as he was born on 7/7 and his father and I are 7 years apart, also he was born at 3:22 am which equals 7 as well ? lol

    Agape is his last name which is Greek for universal love / empathetic love

    I can’t think of calling him anything else ?

  7. Milo was in a list we’d made and it just stuck. We get compliments on it all the time and currently there are only a few Milo’s in town. I’m sure that will change in a few years.

  8. I liked Milo from The Phantom Tollbooth, like the other commenters. I also read that an alternate meaning was “merciful”, and his middle name is Ari, which is Hebrew and means “lion” (it’s a family name), so his name means “merciful lion” which made us think of Aslan from Narnia.

  9. We love the band The Descendants and the singer is named Milo. But we also know the main character in the “Phantom Tolbooth” is named Milo as well. His middle name is Clash after the band. We love the name and it fits our little sweet and wild baby boy.

  10. Milo is the main character of a children’s book I loved, “The Phantom Tollbooth.” We chose the name because it is simple, easy to spell and unique without being super unusual/odd. We also liked that it sounds cute for a baby but is not too “cutesy” for a grown man! (See the very masculine, handsome Milo Ventimiglia!)

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