Infographic of Shawn name meaning, which is A variant of Sean, Shawn is an Irish name meaning God is gracious.
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Shawn Name Popularity

How popular is the name Shawn? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 0 0%
1916 0 0%
1917 0 0%
1918 0 0%
1919 0 0%
1920 0 0%
1921 0 0%
1922 0 0%
1923 0 0%
1924 0 0%
1925 0 0%
1926 0 0%
1927 0 0%
1928 0 0%
1929 0 0%
1930 0 0%
1931 0 0%
1932 0 0%
1933 0 0%
1934 0 0%
1935 0 0%
1936 0 0%
1937 0 0%
1938 0 0%
1939 0 0%
1940 0 0%
1941 0 0%
1942 0 0%
1943 1,353 5 0.0004%
1944 0 0%
1945 0 0%
1946 0 0%
1947 864 30 0.0018%
1948 575 93 0.0058%
1949 592 88 0.0055%
1950 543 115 0.0071%
1951 608 87 0.0051%
1952 527 134 0.0077%
1953 385 281 0.0159%
1954 351 382 0.0209%
1955 314 508 0.0276%
1956 314 524 0.0277%
1957 252 877 0.0456%
1958 222 1,153 0.061%
1959 161 1,963 0.1033%
1960 162 2,047 0.108%
1961 143 2,483 0.1315%
1962 124 2,872 0.1564%
1963 108 3,461 0.1928%
1964 88 4,398 0.2499%
1965 68 4,923 0.301%
1966 54 5,726 0.3667%
1967 51 6,139 0.4045%
1968 43 7,479 0.4981%
1969 41 8,271 0.5369%
1970 34 10,950 0.6881%
1971 28 12,834 0.8541%
1972 28 11,286 0.8286%
1973 27 11,448 0.883%
1974 30 11,445 0.8806%
1975 31 10,689 0.8318%
1976 34 10,107 0.7842%
1977 37 9,866 0.7319%
1978 39 9,288 0.6908%
1979 43 7,911 0.5611%
1980 47 7,695 0.5263%
1981 49 7,077 0.4814%
1982 52 6,846 0.4581%
1983 53 6,360 0.431%
1984 56 6,047 0.4065%
1985 55 6,980 0.4599%
1986 55 7,013 0.4646%
1987 59 6,203 0.4065%
1988 61 5,890 0.378%
1989 65 5,476 0.3393%
1990 69 5,719 0.345%
1991 71 5,416 0.3323%
1992 71 5,152 0.3228%
1993 77 4,814 0.3088%
1994 85 4,243 0.2765%
1995 99 3,821 0.2535%
1996 111 3,501 0.2338%
1997 109 3,448 0.2331%
1998 113 3,256 0.2175%
1999 117 3,099 0.2069%
2000 135 2,879 0.1885%
2001 151 2,620 0.1739%
2002 151 2,609 0.1741%
2003 156 2,571 0.169%
2004 168 2,401 0.1575%
2005 174 2,363 0.1546%
2006 168 2,464 0.1574%
2007 175 2,342 0.1484%
2008 194 2,052 0.1328%
2009 209 1,788 0.1196%
2010 236 1,452 0.1008%
2011 247 1,396 0.098%
2012 271 1,270 0.0891%
2013 304 1,093 0.0768%
2014 319 1,037 0.0712%
2015 349 934 0.0642%
2016 351 913 0.0633%
2017 380 786 0.0563%
2018 386 772 0.0562%
2019 417 685 0.0506%
2020 449 609 0.0478%
2021 505 540 0.0442%
2022 571 474 0.0359%

Alaska (AK)

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Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

Names Like Shawn

If you like Shawn, you’ll love these other names like Shawn.

What names are variants of Shawn?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Shawn.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God is gracious



God is gracious



God is gracious



God is gracious



God is gracious



God is gracious



God is gracious


What names sound like Shawn?

If you like how Shawn sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Shawn.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Peaceful; pride

Indian (Sanskrit)


Old, wise



Old, wise



God is gracious


What names are similar to Shawn?

Find a name that’s like Shawn, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Combination of De- and Shawn



Combination name





Native American

Lists With Shawn

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Shawn.

Siblings of Shawn

Mamas with kids named Shawn also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Noble one



  1. I chose the name Shawn because it means that God is gracious. Shawn is our rainbow baby.

  2. My son was named Shawn after his father which I would later learn had zero relativity to his father’s character at all as he would remind me of almost daily questioning his name and why I gave it to him also but even though it did not have the relative meaning shared by most father and son and it’s traditional meaning I would learn that there was no other name for him and it was meant to be for him because he would be considered an old soul since a young boy, wise beyond his years and possessed the most beautiful heart and smile of anyone I have ever known. Even though the Lord only blessed me with him for 23 years he truly was the most precious gift from God and he was every bit of the meaning of his name. I know all mother’s are so proud and partial of their sons but he was absolutely a divine being who cared only for others and not enough for himself. His compassion, concern and empathy for animals and anyone less fortunate or unable to defend or care for themselves was exhibited at a very young age almost to young and everyone who knew him could not imagine his knowledge, respect and understanding for others. He was absolutely the most beautiful soul I have or will ever know so even though his name was given from his father which unfortunately had no positive meaning or
    similarity of his character or the relationship btwn him and his father that was only reminder of loss and pain for the father and son relationship he was always trying to have I can only hope that he took his own philosophy which was ” believe something good always comes out of something bad” so as much as he hated being named after his father there proved beyond a doubt to be a purpose and powerful meaning for his name as I was and will always be truly blessed with the precious gift of my beautiful baby boy and the gift of God allowing me the privilege of being his mother . Shawn is a beautiful name for a girl or boy that you will never regret because children truly are a precious gift from God and we are so blessed to have the opportunity to decide on a baby name.?

    • Your son sounds a lot like me?? And if Shawn’s anything like me he’s definitely watching out for you mama! ??

  3. It’s his father’s name , I love it we got a Jr !
    He’s amazingly chill he’s my third baby an he’s 3 weeks old already and is just amazing ?!

  4. It’s been a great experience having a toddler he such a joy!

  5. Simple easy to pronounce in English, French, and Spanish.

  6. We chose the name because that is his fathers name.
    Though he gets very mad when someone says that he is a junior. (his father has a different middle name)
    We named him Shawn Cordero.

  7. That what his dad and I wanted to name him

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