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Almond Name Popularity

How popular is the name Almond? Here’s everything we know.

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Names Like Almond

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What names are variants of Almond?

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What names sound like Almond?

If you like how Almond sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Almond.

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Will helmet, protection



Will helmet, protection



  1. My mom’s name is almond but I hate it like I hate her I also hate the name almond it’s really really stupid like you

  2. Almond is a stupid name

  3. It’s from Jeremiah 1 when God is talking to Jeremiah about how He has appointed him to speak to the nations. After God affirms Jeremiah He asks him “now what do you see?” Jeremiah said he sees the branch of an almond tree and the Lord says “you have seen correctly for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled”. God used a play on words because the Hebrew word for Almond sounds the same for Watch. Also, there is a lot of significance of beauty with the almond blossom in the menorah, lastly the almond tree is the first to bloom after winter and she is our first born ?

    • You are a freak…

      • Like you that is so fuuuuuuuuuuny

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