Infographic of Cecelia name meaning, which is blind; sixth
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Cecelia Name Popularity

How popular is the name Cecelia? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 197 288 0.0818%
1911 176 381 0.1023%
1912 195 464 0.092%
1913 203 488 0.0861%
1914 197 633 0.0908%
1915 204 775 0.0853%
1916 202 843 0.0873%
1917 201 877 0.0877%
1918 204 901 0.084%
1919 213 832 0.0795%
1920 219 845 0.076%
1921 228 778 0.0679%
1922 238 720 0.0646%
1923 232 756 0.0675%
1924 245 700 0.0603%
1925 246 679 0.0601%
1926 254 637 0.0579%
1927 265 590 0.0533%
1928 276 516 0.0482%
1929 271 518 0.05%
1930 287 482 0.0461%
1931 296 414 0.0419%
1932 307 385 0.039%
1933 314 351 0.0377%
1934 325 333 0.0344%
1935 310 358 0.0368%
1936 279 416 0.0432%
1937 283 434 0.044%
1938 277 492 0.0481%
1939 267 503 0.0494%
1940 262 527 0.0496%
1941 258 581 0.0516%
1942 228 817 0.0647%
1943 239 761 0.0583%
1944 270 613 0.0495%
1945 272 597 0.049%
1946 273 676 0.0458%
1947 249 855 0.0512%
1948 260 821 0.0514%
1949 262 821 0.051%
1950 277 733 0.0455%
1951 283 730 0.0431%
1952 298 690 0.0395%
1953 309 667 0.0377%
1954 325 645 0.0353%
1955 332 624 0.0339%
1956 343 620 0.0328%
1957 345 644 0.0335%
1958 368 573 0.0303%
1959 367 641 0.0337%
1960 396 533 0.0281%
1961 405 531 0.0281%
1962 423 487 0.0265%
1963 448 421 0.0235%
1964 503 332 0.0189%
1965 523 280 0.0171%
1966 557 243 0.0156%
1967 583 216 0.0142%
1968 591 214 0.0143%
1969 701 154 0.01%
1970 589 253 0.0159%
1971 641 205 0.0136%
1972 678 166 0.0122%
1973 730 143 0.011%
1974 830 111 0.0085%
1975 854 106 0.0082%
1976 973 80 0.0062%
1977 1,029 80 0.0059%
1978 1,206 56 0.0042%
1979 953 101 0.0072%
1980 920 110 0.0075%
1981 1,001 93 0.0063%
1982 922 111 0.0074%
1983 824 132 0.0089%
1984 854 127 0.0085%
1985 916 118 0.0078%
1986 961 110 0.0073%
1987 828 157 0.0103%
1988 851 158 0.0101%
1989 963 134 0.0083%
1990 915 160 0.0097%
1991 964 149 0.0091%
1992 978 145 0.0091%
1993 806 199 0.0128%
1994 857 180 0.0117%
1995 829 187 0.0124%
1996 728 241 0.0161%
1997 881 181 0.0122%
1998 833 205 0.0137%
1999 746 251 0.0168%
2000 764 253 0.0166%
2001 772 257 0.0171%
2002 740 279 0.0186%
2003 750 284 0.0187%
2004 701 335 0.022%
2005 649 381 0.0249%
2006 680 372 0.0238%
2007 786 317 0.0201%
2008 739 344 0.0223%
2009 732 340 0.0227%
2010 731 332 0.023%
2011 652 382 0.0268%
2012 591 435 0.0305%
2013 533 499 0.035%
2014 566 481 0.033%
2015 526 541 0.0372%
2016 515 545 0.0378%
2017 521 530 0.038%
2018 556 477 0.0347%
2019 530 500 0.0369%
2020 600 430 0.0338%
2021 578 448 0.0366%
2022 530 550 0.0417%

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Utah (UT)

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Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Data via

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Blind; sixth



Blind; sixth



Blind; sixth



Blind; sixth


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Blind; sixth



Blind; sixth



Relating to springtime





Lists With Cecelia

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1 Comment

  1. We just loved the name!! She will be called Cece for short!!

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