Infographic of Judy name meaning, which is A diminutive form of Judith.
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Judy Name Popularity

How popular is the name Judy? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 775 8 0.0023%
1911 876 6 0.0016%
1912 657 24 0.0048%
1913 859 12 0.0021%
1914 829 20 0.0029%
1915 715 49 0.0054%
1916 645 70 0.0072%
1917 610 84 0.0084%
1918 607 96 0.0089%
1919 579 101 0.0096%
1920 514 142 0.0128%
1921 496 155 0.0135%
1922 462 172 0.0154%
1923 459 177 0.0158%
1924 422 230 0.0198%
1925 388 265 0.0234%
1926 373 288 0.0262%
1927 399 250 0.0226%
1928 432 203 0.019%
1929 379 265 0.0256%
1930 342 324 0.031%
1931 319 362 0.0367%
1932 258 549 0.0556%
1933 226 698 0.0749%
1934 184 931 0.0963%
1935 143 1,447 0.1489%
1936 117 1,970 0.2045%
1937 91 2,726 0.2766%
1938 41 4,981 0.4866%
1939 28 8,079 0.7942%
1940 16 11,382 1.0708%
1941 16 13,966 1.2409%
1942 15 15,668 1.2408%
1943 13 17,376 1.331%
1944 12 17,118 1.3812%
1945 13 17,002 1.3941%
1946 11 20,479 1.3879%
1947 14 21,034 1.2601%
1948 16 17,702 1.1089%
1949 20 15,980 0.9934%
1950 25 14,205 0.8822%
1951 26 14,018 0.8268%
1952 26 13,636 0.7812%
1953 27 12,728 0.7192%
1954 29 11,635 0.6365%
1955 32 10,372 0.5639%
1956 35 10,193 0.5397%
1957 38 10,544 0.5479%
1958 36 10,828 0.5729%
1959 41 9,883 0.5202%
1960 48 8,863 0.4678%
1961 58 7,917 0.4193%
1962 63 7,060 0.3846%
1963 70 6,134 0.3417%
1964 74 5,536 0.3145%
1965 86 4,241 0.2593%
1966 97 3,503 0.2244%
1967 120 2,790 0.1838%
1968 141 2,261 0.1506%
1969 161 1,995 0.1295%
1970 176 1,815 0.1141%
1971 195 1,499 0.0998%
1972 223 1,233 0.0905%
1973 244 1,002 0.0773%
1974 274 898 0.0691%
1975 307 710 0.0553%
1976 349 575 0.0446%
1977 350 595 0.0441%
1978 388 505 0.0376%
1979 401 507 0.036%
1980 409 505 0.0345%
1981 381 565 0.0384%
1982 381 564 0.0377%
1983 419 471 0.0319%
1984 419 461 0.031%
1985 465 413 0.0272%
1986 506 368 0.0244%
1987 523 352 0.0231%
1988 537 362 0.0232%
1989 610 301 0.0187%
1990 588 347 0.0209%
1991 739 236 0.0145%
1992 658 291 0.0182%
1993 782 211 0.0135%
1994 829 192 0.0125%
1995 775 208 0.0138%
1996 896 168 0.0112%
1997 975 148 0.01%
1998 1,001 149 0.01%
1999 993 154 0.0103%
2000 1,083 141 0.0092%
2001 1,311 93 0.0062%
2002 1,267 101 0.0067%
2003 1,212 117 0.0077%
2004 1,301 103 0.0068%
2005 1,362 99 0.0065%
2006 1,481 86 0.0055%
2007 1,442 97 0.0061%
2008 1,686 68 0.0044%
2009 1,806 53 0.0035%
2010 1,579 71 0.0049%
2011 1,881 43 0.003%
2012 1,507 78 0.0055%
2013 1,304 107 0.0075%
2014 1,400 87 0.006%
2015 1,347 98 0.0067%
2016 1,366 95 0.0066%
2017 1,323 94 0.0067%
2018 1,320 91 0.0066%
2019 1,440 74 0.0055%
2020 1,560 82 0.0064%
2021 1,708 63 0.0052%
2022 1,718 71 0.0054%

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Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

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What names are variants of Judy?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Judy.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

From Judea; Jewish



From Judea; Jewish



From Judea; Jewish



From Judea; Jewish


What names sound like Judy?

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Precious stone



Jehovah increases


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1 Comment

  1. Love the name Judy ! Its my mom’s name actually . The name is really nice in my opinion but my mom says she feels like it is an old lady name.

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