Infographic of Liana name meaning, which is “She who embraces,” in allusion to the vine of this name which embraces tree trunks, from the French lier, to tie up, as with an embrace.
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Liana Name Popularity

How popular is the name Liana? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 0 0%
1916 0 0%
1917 0 0%
1918 0 0%
1919 0 0%
1920 0 0%
1921 0 0%
1922 0 0%
1923 0 0%
1924 0 0%
1925 0 0%
1926 0 0%
1927 0 0%
1928 0 0%
1929 0 0%
1930 0 0%
1931 0 0%
1932 0 0%
1933 0 0%
1934 0 0%
1935 0 0%
1936 0 0%
1937 0 0%
1938 0 0%
1939 0 0%
1940 1,502 5 0.0005%
1941 0 0%
1942 0 0%
1943 0 0%
1944 0 0%
1945 0 0%
1946 1,667 6 0.0004%
1947 1,754 6 0.0004%
1948 1,601 8 0.0005%
1949 0 0%
1950 0 0%
1951 1,689 7 0.0004%
1952 1,458 13 0.0007%
1953 1,666 9 0.0005%
1954 1,515 13 0.0007%
1955 2,174 5 0.0003%
1956 1,514 16 0.0008%
1957 1,611 13 0.0007%
1958 1,461 18 0.001%
1959 0 0%
1960 1,719 12 0.0006%
1961 1,564 18 0.001%
1962 1,455 22 0.0012%
1963 1,285 32 0.0018%
1964 1,835 11 0.0006%
1965 1,503 19 0.0012%
1966 1,604 16 0.001%
1967 1,348 27 0.0018%
1968 1,046 54 0.0036%
1969 1,026 63 0.0041%
1970 1,253 44 0.0028%
1971 1,268 43 0.0029%
1972 1,465 26 0.0019%
1973 1,394 30 0.0023%
1974 1,298 38 0.0029%
1975 1,095 60 0.0047%
1976 1,255 44 0.0034%
1977 796 135 0.01%
1978 946 95 0.0071%
1979 917 112 0.0079%
1980 941 104 0.0071%
1981 1,106 75 0.0051%
1982 991 99 0.0066%
1983 831 130 0.0088%
1984 938 106 0.0071%
1985 998 99 0.0065%
1986 876 134 0.0089%
1987 886 136 0.0089%
1988 867 151 0.0097%
1989 724 226 0.014%
1990 797 203 0.0122%
1991 843 190 0.0117%
1992 741 235 0.0147%
1993 869 176 0.0113%
1994 811 201 0.0131%
1995 795 203 0.0135%
1996 915 164 0.011%
1997 887 179 0.0121%
1998 805 216 0.0144%
1999 842 205 0.0137%
2000 804 233 0.0153%
2001 885 209 0.0139%
2002 746 275 0.0184%
2003 749 286 0.0188%
2004 720 321 0.0211%
2005 710 336 0.022%
2006 736 329 0.021%
2007 683 380 0.0241%
2008 609 455 0.0294%
2009 582 469 0.0314%
2010 519 519 0.036%
2011 460 599 0.042%
2012 538 508 0.0356%
2013 561 464 0.0326%
2014 564 484 0.0332%
2015 524 542 0.0373%
2016 453 642 0.0445%
2017 478 590 0.0423%
2018 467 599 0.0436%
2019 458 610 0.0451%
2020 461 619 0.0486%
2021 428 645 0.0528%
2022 468 644 0.0488%

Alabama (AL)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

North Carolina (NC)

Nebraska (NE)

New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

Data via

Names Like Liana

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What names are variants of Liana?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Liana.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

To twine around





To twine around



To twine around



A French variant of Liana.



To twine around



To twine around



To twine around


What names sound like Liana?

If you like how Liana sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Liana.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Little rock



Palm tree



Lime or linden tree





What names are similar to Liana?

Find a name that’s like Liana, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

“She shines in beauty;” an Irish form of Helen.





Lists With Liana

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Liana.


  1. Liana in hebrew means My Answer… after praying for a child i felt that God has answered me.

  2. In Arabic, Liana (?????) comes from the word Leen (???)
    meaning “soft” and “tender”, this meaning can be related to other names like Leen, Layan, or Lina.

  3. We chose our daughter’s name because it means “my God answered”. We went through 5 years of infertility before we received the gift of her life.

  4. I was born in the late 50’s and I love my name, now. For years I was called anything from Leona to Linda!! But now I just smile and say, it’s Liana ?

  5. Liana is my first born, @ 35 years I was not sure if I will have a baby and I prayed about the child, so the name Liana means God has answered my prayer.

  6. I’m a tree! ? this was cool.

  7. I did not know this before and i thought that my name is
    I never really knew the meaning of it but i like it 🙂

  8. i think this is cazy like i don’t no this

  9. My husband mentioned the name, I liked it. Then my sister and I were searching meanings of names, Liana means “God has answered” in Hebrew. We battled infertility and with natural support from an amazing physician we conceived our sweet tiny girl! Answered prayers.

  10. The meaning: God has answered ?

    While Liana is our 3rd child it was not an easy road getting to our sweet little rainbow angel. We experienced a couple heart breaking losses along the journey but God is faithful and we are in awe of His sovereignty. We welcome Liana Joy with love. ?

      • My name is Liana and I was born in the 1960’s and at that time there were not to many Liana’s.

        • I love my name Liana and I ? my Mother who named me Liana. May my Mother RIP. What I love about my name is that it has a beautiful ? meaning in Hebrew in which Liana means God Answer’s and let me tell you God in heaven has never let me down ???? .I have a wonderful heart and I think more of other people’s needs more then mine as I am very giving and very grateful for everything and everyone. I don’t like to judge and it hurts me that people are quick to judge and point finger’s. I have a great big heart and my husband tells me that everyday.

    • Liana joy is my name too!

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