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Willoughby Name Popularity

How popular is the name Willoughby? Here’s everything we know.

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Siblings of Willoughby

Mamas with kids named Willoughby also have kids with these names.

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Burning ones



  1. We have always loved the willow trees in our yard and felt connected to the name willow. Our daughters name is Norma Jean and we wanted something to go with, we thought Willoughby or willa june, willie June, would work.

  2. We chose Willoughby because it can be used as a boy or girls name and adjusted to Will, Willa, Willow (or my daughters choice at the moment ‘Ebie’).

    I’m a huge Jane Austen fan. in contrast to the other cads in her novels, the way Willoughby from Sense and Sensibility was written has always been intriguing to me.

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