Infographic of Renton name meaning, which is settlement of the roe deer
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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Wolf shield


What names are similar to Renton?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Town in the bent grass



Settlement on the marsh



The royal settlement


Siblings of Renton

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



“She who clings lovingly.” From a Germanic base meaning “to adhere.” An allusion to the adhesive property of clover sap.



From the alder tree


1 Comment

  1. Renton was the name of a character in a story that was close to my husband’s heart (no, not Trainspotting) and he hated my top pick, Atticus. We felt we were having a girl when we decided the name would work either way, and Ren would be a sweet nickname for a daughter. The name, to us, embodies a quest for truth and unity.
    Sometimes I dislike how the name gets a little “smashed” in the end when spoken, but that’s my only dislike.

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