Infographic of Tirzah name meaning, which is delight, pleasantness, cypress tree
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Tirzah Name Popularity

How popular is the name Tirzah? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 0 0%
1916 0 0%
1917 0 0%
1918 0 0%
1919 0 0%
1920 0 0%
1921 0 0%
1922 0 0%
1923 0 0%
1924 0 0%
1925 0 0%
1926 0 0%
1927 0 0%
1928 0 0%
1929 0 0%
1930 0 0%
1931 0 0%
1932 0 0%
1933 0 0%
1934 0 0%
1935 0 0%
1936 0 0%
1937 0 0%
1938 0 0%
1939 0 0%
1940 0 0%
1941 0 0%
1942 0 0%
1943 0 0%
1944 0 0%
1945 0 0%
1946 0 0%
1947 0 0%
1948 0 0%
1949 0 0%
1950 0 0%
1951 0 0%
1952 0 0%
1953 0 0%
1954 0 0%
1955 0 0%
1956 0 0%
1957 0 0%
1958 0 0%
1959 0 0%
1960 0 0%
1961 0 0%
1962 0 0%
1963 0 0%
1964 0 0%
1965 0 0%
1966 0 0%
1967 0 0%
1968 0 0%
1969 0 0%
1970 0 0%
1971 0 0%
1972 0 0%
1973 0 0%
1974 2,282 6 0.0005%
1975 0 0%
1976 2,842 5 0.0004%
1977 2,632 6 0.0004%
1978 0 0%
1979 0 0%
1980 0 0%
1981 0 0%
1982 0 0%
1983 0 0%
1984 0 0%
1985 3,380 5 0.0003%
1986 0 0%
1987 0 0%
1988 0 0%
1989 0 0%
1990 0 0%
1991 0 0%
1992 3,839 5 0.0003%
1993 0 0%
1994 3,090 7 0.0005%
1995 3,240 6 0.0004%
1996 0 0%
1997 0 0%
1998 0 0%
1999 3,445 6 0.0004%
2000 3,046 10 0.0007%
2001 0 0%
2002 3,489 6 0.0004%
2003 3,914 5 0.0003%
2004 3,815 5 0.0003%
2005 3,803 5 0.0003%
2006 2,858 13 0.0008%
2007 0 0%
2008 0 0%
2009 3,883 5 0.0003%
2010 2,932 12 0.0008%
2011 3,758 5 0.0004%
2012 2,683 15 0.0011%
2013 2,267 24 0.0017%
2014 2,211 26 0.0018%
2015 2,470 18 0.0012%
2016 2,469 18 0.0012%
2017 2,122 27 0.0019%
2018 3,354 5 0.0004%
2019 3,027 6 0.0004%
2020 3,738 10 0.0008%
2021 3,583 11 0.0009%
2022 0 0%

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Minnesota (MN)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Texas (TX)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA)

Data via

Names Like Tirzah

If you like Tirzah, you’ll love these other names like Tirzah.

What names are variants of Tirzah?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Tirzah.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree



Delight, pleasantness, cypress tree


What names sound like Tirzah?

If you like how Tirzah sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Tirzah.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Late summer



Late summer



Late summer



Late summer


Lists With Tirzah

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Tirzah.

Siblings of Tirzah

Mamas with kids named Tirzah also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

“She who clings lovingly.” From a Germanic base meaning “to adhere.” An allusion to the adhesive property of clover sap.



Settlement of the roe deer



From the alder tree



  1. I worked with a young Nurse named Tirzah and she was delightful to work with. Never heard that name before or since and I’m 71!

  2. My name is Tirzah!!?

    • I was born in 1995. I love my name. My Mom’s friend from work in late 70s was named Tirzah they became very close but lost touch. My Mom found her a couple years ago and she was so excited and couldn’t believe my Mom kept her promise to name her first girl Tirzah!

  3. I first heard the name Tirzah in Ben Hur when I was seventeen and knew immediately I would use it one day because I’d never heard such a beautiful name! It means “she is my delight. ” I considered alternate spellings to avoid confusion, but the conventional spelling seemed the most straightforward. I don’t like that people read it as Tur-zuh rather than Tear-zuh but that’s our only complaint. She loves her name.

  4. My husband and I are worship leaders and we were at a conference last year and during one of the worship sessions I heard the Lord speak to me and say “You will have a Daughter and her name will be Tirzah.” I immediately sat down and looked up the meaning of the name & saw that it meant “delight” my favorite bible verse has always been Psalms 37:3-6 so I knew it was perfect. My husbands Mother’s name is Teresa and she passed away a few years ago so we knew it would be amazing to name our first daughter after her

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