Russell Name Meaning

The name Russell is of Old French origin and means “little red one”. It was originally a nickname for someone with red hair or a ruddy complexion, but over time it became a popular given name in its own right.

Popularity of the Name Russell

The name Russell is often associated with warmth, friendliness, and a down-to-earth personality, reflecting the friendly and approachable nature of many people with this name. It has been a popular name in many English-speaking countries, particularly in the United States, where it has been consistently ranked among the top 1000 names for boys.

Final Thoughts on the Name Russell

If you know a Russell, you know someone who is as warm and friendly as they come. They likely have a infectious smile and a positive attitude that makes them a joy to be around.

With a name like Russell, you were born to be the life of the party! Whether it’s cracking jokes or just spreading good cheer, Russells are always the ones everyone wants to be around.

So if you’re ever in need of a pick-me-up, look no further than a Russell. They are sure to bring a smile to your face with their warmth, humor, and friendliness, and they’ll make sure every moment is a happy one. And with their down-to-earth personality, they’ll make sure you never forget what’s truly important in life.

Infographic of Russell name meaning, which is Derived from an English surname, Russell means little red.
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Russell Name Popularity

How popular is the name Russell? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 56 588 0.167%
1911 54 747 0.2006%
1912 58 1,423 0.2822%
1913 50 1,935 0.3413%
1914 49 2,560 0.3673%
1915 51 3,244 0.3571%
1916 52 3,317 0.3434%
1917 52 3,425 0.3424%
1918 50 3,818 0.3557%
1919 50 3,641 0.3477%
1920 51 3,891 0.3499%
1921 52 3,940 0.3441%
1922 49 3,956 0.3551%
1923 52 3,794 0.3387%
1924 52 3,938 0.3391%
1925 53 3,793 0.3356%
1926 52 3,792 0.3448%
1927 55 3,528 0.3187%
1928 55 3,320 0.3103%
1929 56 3,176 0.3066%
1930 60 3,091 0.2959%
1931 63 2,937 0.2976%
1932 63 3,007 0.3044%
1933 67 2,686 0.2883%
1934 70 2,715 0.2809%
1935 68 2,818 0.29%
1936 69 2,828 0.2936%
1937 67 2,883 0.2926%
1938 70 2,939 0.2871%
1939 73 2,822 0.2774%
1940 72 2,999 0.2822%
1941 75 3,028 0.269%
1942 70 3,662 0.29%
1943 73 3,747 0.287%
1944 63 3,923 0.3165%
1945 64 3,797 0.3113%
1946 66 4,737 0.321%
1947 69 5,265 0.3154%
1948 67 5,105 0.3198%
1949 69 5,003 0.311%
1950 67 4,939 0.3067%
1951 73 5,177 0.3053%
1952 70 5,345 0.3062%
1953 71 5,378 0.3039%
1954 69 5,761 0.3152%
1955 57 6,533 0.3552%
1956 52 7,403 0.392%
1957 54 7,220 0.3752%
1958 54 7,143 0.3779%
1959 55 7,478 0.3936%
1960 56 7,477 0.3946%
1961 55 7,338 0.3887%
1962 57 7,040 0.3835%
1963 57 6,706 0.3736%
1964 58 6,240 0.3545%
1965 58 5,649 0.3454%
1966 61 4,861 0.3113%
1967 58 4,888 0.3221%
1968 56 5,094 0.3392%
1969 56 5,160 0.3349%
1970 58 5,116 0.3215%
1971 64 4,539 0.3021%
1972 69 3,784 0.2778%
1973 77 3,395 0.2619%
1974 82 3,172 0.244%
1975 82 3,233 0.2516%
1976 87 2,996 0.2325%
1977 89 3,125 0.2318%
1978 93 2,980 0.2217%
1979 92 3,132 0.2221%
1980 92 3,272 0.2238%
1981 97 3,043 0.207%
1982 97 3,031 0.2028%
1983 104 2,737 0.1855%
1984 106 2,685 0.1805%
1985 110 2,566 0.1691%
1986 116 2,395 0.1587%
1987 119 2,371 0.1554%
1988 128 2,299 0.1475%
1989 136 2,212 0.1371%
1990 141 2,208 0.1332%
1991 172 1,824 0.1119%
1992 185 1,699 0.1064%
1993 201 1,498 0.0961%
1994 233 1,248 0.0813%
1995 239 1,194 0.0792%
1996 259 1,064 0.0711%
1997 256 1,081 0.0731%
1998 300 919 0.0614%
1999 325 820 0.0548%
2000 317 878 0.0575%
2001 307 889 0.059%
2002 329 807 0.0539%
2003 343 780 0.0513%
2004 360 747 0.049%
2005 392 700 0.0458%
2006 403 705 0.045%
2007 415 675 0.0428%
2008 405 696 0.045%
2009 436 601 0.0402%
2010 397 675 0.0468%
2011 399 674 0.0473%
2012 425 619 0.0434%
2013 425 640 0.045%
2014 401 734 0.0504%
2015 404 729 0.0501%
2016 403 747 0.0518%
2017 400 744 0.0533%
2018 406 732 0.0533%
2019 382 776 0.0573%
2020 375 771 0.0606%
2021 354 888 0.0726%
2022 376 827 0.0627%

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District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

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Idaho (ID)

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Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

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Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

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North Dakota (ND)

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Rhode Island (RI)

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South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

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Little red-haired one



Little red



Little red


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The Lord is my secret



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Little red-haired one






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From dark-haired ones


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  1. We thought we would have a girl but were waiting until baby was born to find out. Russell was on our boy list, but I didn’t love it. As soon as I checked to see if baby was a boy or girl and saw he was a boy, I thought Russell and it has stuck.

  2. Russell is Ben’s great grandfather’s name. We love the name Russell. It is just so CUTE!

  3. My maiden name was Russell

  4. We liked that the name Russell gave us a number of nicknames to choose from. Also it was no where on the list of top 100 names in any of the recent decades so it is unlikely for there to be too many other kids with his name!

  5. Strong and Classic name. I don’t mind the nicknames in childhood or adult.

  6. I went to school with a boy named Russell and I liked him- the name is honest and masculine. I like it!

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