Infographic of Aida name meaning, which is Of Italian origin, meaning “first,” in allusion to the heroine of Verdi’s opera of a similar name.
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Aida Name Popularity

How popular is the name Aida? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 758 10 0.0027%
1912 748 17 0.0034%
1913 789 17 0.003%
1914 716 31 0.0044%
1915 783 36 0.004%
1916 906 26 0.0027%
1917 898 27 0.0027%
1918 805 42 0.0039%
1919 819 40 0.0038%
1920 1,032 21 0.0019%
1921 730 62 0.0054%
1922 954 28 0.0025%
1923 858 38 0.0034%
1924 831 48 0.0041%
1925 781 52 0.0046%
1926 814 45 0.0041%
1927 825 43 0.0039%
1928 800 44 0.0041%
1929 798 41 0.004%
1930 773 46 0.0044%
1931 856 30 0.003%
1932 755 44 0.0045%
1933 789 35 0.0038%
1934 789 37 0.0038%
1935 770 40 0.0041%
1936 700 50 0.0052%
1937 892 26 0.0026%
1938 821 36 0.0035%
1939 860 30 0.0029%
1940 955 24 0.0023%
1941 919 29 0.0026%
1942 787 51 0.004%
1943 914 35 0.0027%
1944 947 29 0.0023%
1945 823 44 0.0036%
1946 896 45 0.003%
1947 830 64 0.0038%
1948 823 65 0.0041%
1949 712 97 0.006%
1950 729 94 0.0058%
1951 758 89 0.0052%
1952 721 106 0.0061%
1953 777 95 0.0054%
1954 642 160 0.0088%
1955 682 143 0.0078%
1956 711 136 0.0072%
1957 682 163 0.0085%
1958 730 136 0.0072%
1959 676 166 0.0087%
1960 749 138 0.0073%
1961 732 154 0.0082%
1962 751 143 0.0078%
1963 712 158 0.0088%
1964 739 150 0.0085%
1965 679 163 0.01%
1966 658 167 0.0107%
1967 673 158 0.0104%
1968 670 164 0.0109%
1969 712 149 0.0097%
1970 726 154 0.0097%
1971 695 170 0.0113%
1972 775 127 0.0093%
1973 718 150 0.0116%
1974 798 121 0.0093%
1975 740 143 0.0111%
1976 813 120 0.0093%
1977 921 102 0.0076%
1978 939 96 0.0071%
1979 936 107 0.0076%
1980 900 116 0.0079%
1981 920 109 0.0074%
1982 938 109 0.0073%
1983 911 111 0.0075%
1984 1,052 85 0.0057%
1985 1,044 89 0.0059%
1986 1,115 79 0.0052%
1987 1,177 71 0.0047%
1988 1,116 89 0.0057%
1989 1,188 85 0.0053%
1990 1,221 88 0.0053%
1991 1,220 91 0.0056%
1992 1,320 79 0.0049%
1993 1,312 80 0.0051%
1994 1,271 84 0.0055%
1995 1,311 76 0.005%
1996 1,351 74 0.0049%
1997 1,404 70 0.0047%
1998 1,341 78 0.0052%
1999 1,549 57 0.0038%
2000 1,761 47 0.0031%
2001 1,664 55 0.0037%
2002 1,576 64 0.0043%
2003 1,343 93 0.0061%
2004 1,214 124 0.0081%
2005 1,009 187 0.0122%
2006 1,420 95 0.0061%
2007 1,347 116 0.0074%
2008 1,302 123 0.008%
2009 1,276 124 0.0083%
2010 1,403 97 0.0067%
2011 1,467 84 0.0059%
2012 1,312 108 0.0076%
2013 1,332 100 0.007%
2014 1,430 83 0.0057%
2015 1,189 132 0.0091%
2016 1,175 131 0.0091%
2017 1,256 106 0.0076%
2018 1,158 121 0.0088%
2019 1,136 126 0.0093%
2020 1,254 126 0.0099%
2021 1,309 109 0.0089%
2022 1,246 138 0.0105%

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Noble kind; reward, present



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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Noble one


Lists With Aida

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  1. Dad wanted it!

  2. We chose to honor my biological mother who had passed from cancer when I was 11 years old, by giving her the same name. We like that it is unique and different. Plus it’s got a beautiful meaning in other cultures. We don’t like that some people have already made fun of her name and told us to “be careful” when choosing. I think they expected we change it. We pronounce it like “eye-da”.

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