Infographic of Beverly name meaning, which is beaver stream or meadow
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Beverly Name Popularity

How popular is the name Beverly? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 670 12 0.0034%
1911 695 12 0.0032%
1912 529 46 0.0091%
1913 594 39 0.0069%
1914 508 81 0.0116%
1915 344 259 0.0285%
1916 270 459 0.0475%
1917 246 610 0.061%
1918 239 675 0.0629%
1919 240 668 0.0638%
1920 205 918 0.0826%
1921 185 1,140 0.0996%
1922 164 1,384 0.1242%
1923 144 1,721 0.1537%
1924 121 2,265 0.195%
1925 105 2,653 0.2347%
1926 74 3,768 0.3426%
1927 57 4,928 0.4452%
1928 46 5,430 0.5075%
1929 39 5,854 0.5652%
1930 34 6,456 0.618%
1931 31 6,786 0.6876%
1932 28 7,525 0.7617%
1933 26 7,185 0.7712%
1934 22 7,884 0.8156%
1935 20 7,990 0.8222%
1936 17 8,896 0.9235%
1937 14 9,629 0.9772%
1938 18 9,770 0.9544%
1939 25 8,696 0.8549%
1940 27 8,654 0.8142%
1941 29 8,725 0.7752%
1942 32 9,407 0.745%
1943 32 9,429 0.7223%
1944 35 8,292 0.6691%
1945 37 7,616 0.6245%
1946 30 10,426 0.7066%
1947 31 11,207 0.6714%
1948 31 10,793 0.6761%
1949 31 10,555 0.6561%
1950 31 10,500 0.6521%
1951 33 10,857 0.6403%
1952 35 10,550 0.6044%
1953 34 11,233 0.6347%
1954 31 11,160 0.6105%
1955 34 9,994 0.5433%
1956 40 9,452 0.5004%
1957 48 8,552 0.4444%
1958 55 7,685 0.4066%
1959 55 7,791 0.4101%
1960 60 7,388 0.3899%
1961 66 6,699 0.3548%
1962 70 6,263 0.3411%
1963 81 5,282 0.2943%
1964 91 4,597 0.2612%
1965 101 3,772 0.2307%
1966 109 3,214 0.2059%
1967 112 2,989 0.197%
1968 123 2,570 0.1712%
1969 141 2,387 0.1549%
1970 150 2,233 0.1403%
1971 160 1,966 0.1308%
1972 184 1,546 0.1135%
1973 192 1,313 0.1013%
1974 206 1,187 0.0913%
1975 244 986 0.0767%
1976 252 913 0.0708%
1977 278 829 0.0615%
1978 282 795 0.0591%
1979 338 665 0.0472%
1980 340 673 0.046%
1981 346 637 0.0433%
1982 378 566 0.0379%
1983 385 539 0.0365%
1984 402 487 0.0327%
1985 453 440 0.029%
1986 475 405 0.0268%
1987 481 406 0.0266%
1988 493 418 0.0268%
1989 535 390 0.0242%
1990 529 405 0.0244%
1991 540 384 0.0236%
1992 524 413 0.0259%
1993 588 359 0.023%
1994 634 299 0.0195%
1995 729 234 0.0155%
1996 774 220 0.0147%
1997 831 198 0.0134%
1998 1,015 146 0.0098%
1999 987 157 0.0105%
2000 1,123 128 0.0084%
2001 1,107 136 0.009%
2002 1,167 122 0.0081%
2003 1,214 117 0.0077%
2004 1,133 144 0.0094%
2005 1,431 88 0.0058%
2006 1,309 116 0.0074%
2007 1,441 98 0.0062%
2008 1,354 113 0.0073%
2009 1,542 80 0.0054%
2010 1,950 40 0.0028%
2011 1,580 69 0.0048%
2012 1,508 77 0.0054%
2013 1,392 90 0.0063%
2014 1,429 83 0.0057%
2015 1,316 104 0.0071%
2016 1,407 88 0.0061%
2017 1,354 90 0.0064%
2018 1,264 102 0.0074%
2019 1,311 96 0.0071%
2020 1,383 103 0.0081%
2021 1,258 119 0.0097%
2022 1,210 146 0.0111%

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West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

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Names Like Beverly

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What names are variants of Beverly?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Beverly.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow



God is my oath



Meadow or pasture



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow; faith



Beaver stream or meadow



Beaver stream or meadow


Lists With Beverly

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Beverly.


  1. I personally love this name bc it’s kind of unique and my family was always like all about unique names. I love this name for a girl. I can see myself naming my future daughter Beverly like you could call them Bev. Like my little Bev it’s so cute.

  2. Named after her grandma on her Dad side.

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