Infographic of Carrie name meaning, which is free man
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Carrie Name Popularity

How popular is the name Carrie? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 70 1,347 0.3826%
1911 78 1,240 0.333%
1912 82 1,538 0.305%
1913 90 1,472 0.2596%
1914 96 1,750 0.2511%
1915 103 1,948 0.2144%
1916 104 2,129 0.2204%
1917 110 2,035 0.2034%
1918 115 2,095 0.1952%
1919 112 2,142 0.2046%
1920 122 2,070 0.1862%
1921 127 2,042 0.1783%
1922 122 2,085 0.1871%
1923 136 1,888 0.1686%
1924 137 2,011 0.1732%
1925 134 1,998 0.1768%
1926 139 1,813 0.1648%
1927 140 1,756 0.1586%
1928 144 1,611 0.1506%
1929 148 1,476 0.1425%
1930 147 1,428 0.1367%
1931 148 1,282 0.1299%
1932 145 1,367 0.1384%
1933 150 1,217 0.1306%
1934 158 1,225 0.1267%
1935 161 1,228 0.1264%
1936 167 1,139 0.1182%
1937 173 1,136 0.1153%
1938 182 1,087 0.1062%
1939 178 1,039 0.1021%
1940 177 1,054 0.0992%
1941 183 994 0.0883%
1942 183 1,169 0.0926%
1943 192 1,091 0.0836%
1944 197 988 0.0797%
1945 199 954 0.0782%
1946 220 1,027 0.0696%
1947 218 1,140 0.0683%
1948 212 1,133 0.071%
1949 221 1,079 0.0671%
1950 241 933 0.0579%
1951 236 1,043 0.0615%
1952 235 1,086 0.0622%
1953 224 1,256 0.071%
1954 222 1,290 0.0706%
1955 231 1,198 0.0651%
1956 205 1,521 0.0805%
1957 175 2,148 0.1116%
1958 155 2,573 0.1361%
1959 144 2,963 0.156%
1960 139 3,142 0.1658%
1961 139 3,176 0.1682%
1962 141 3,022 0.1646%
1963 143 2,806 0.1563%
1964 134 2,969 0.1687%
1965 152 2,470 0.151%
1966 142 2,470 0.1582%
1967 107 3,193 0.2104%
1968 86 3,978 0.2649%
1969 94 3,883 0.252%
1970 73 4,977 0.3127%
1971 55 5,975 0.3976%
1972 53 5,421 0.398%
1973 46 5,836 0.4502%
1974 42 6,435 0.4951%
1975 29 7,858 0.6115%
1976 28 7,992 0.6201%
1977 28 8,662 0.6426%
1978 35 7,320 0.5445%
1979 41 6,356 0.4508%
1980 46 5,762 0.3941%
1981 55 5,094 0.3465%
1982 57 5,186 0.347%
1983 65 4,297 0.2912%
1984 78 3,689 0.248%
1985 96 2,938 0.1936%
1986 108 2,554 0.1692%
1987 118 2,387 0.1564%
1988 132 2,187 0.1403%
1989 148 1,952 0.121%
1990 170 1,687 0.1018%
1991 204 1,449 0.0889%
1992 221 1,251 0.0784%
1993 249 1,092 0.07%
1994 276 982 0.064%
1995 308 871 0.0578%
1996 317 851 0.0568%
1997 366 723 0.0489%
1998 420 595 0.0398%
1999 450 555 0.0371%
2000 495 509 0.0333%
2001 590 384 0.0255%
2002 765 262 0.0175%
2003 745 288 0.0189%
2004 802 262 0.0172%
2005 820 263 0.0172%
2006 855 264 0.0169%
2007 955 226 0.0143%
2008 956 224 0.0145%
2009 1,036 189 0.0126%
2010 1,221 131 0.0091%
2011 1,319 106 0.0074%
2012 1,320 106 0.0074%
2013 1,263 116 0.0081%
2014 1,393 89 0.0061%
2015 1,555 69 0.0047%
2016 1,436 84 0.0058%
2017 1,421 82 0.0059%
2018 1,495 68 0.0049%
2019 1,893 34 0.0025%
2020 2,097 41 0.0032%
2021 2,150 36 0.0029%
2022 2,716 24 0.0018%

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Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

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New Hampshire (NH)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

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Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

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What names are variants of Carrie?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Carrie.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Free man









Free man



Free man



Love; free man



Free man; pure



Beloved; friend; free man



Love; free man


What names sound like Carrie?

If you like how Carrie sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Carrie.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Maiden; the hollow



Beloved; friend


What names are similar to Carrie?

Find a name that’s like Carrie, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Beloved; friend



Free man



Free man



A short form of Karen.


Lists With Carrie

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  1. my name is carrie i love my name

    • My name is Carrie too and I’m very happy w it.

      • hey we’re all Carrie’s! funny bc my mom picked this name w/o knowing it’s german and im like 1/4 german

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