Infographic of Manuela name meaning, which is “God is with us,” through the Spanish, from the Hebrew immanuel, “with us is God.” A feminine form of Alanuel.
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Manuela Name Popularity

How popular is the name Manuela? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 425 52 0.0148%
1911 462 42 0.0113%
1912 472 63 0.0125%
1913 474 72 0.0127%
1914 516 78 0.0112%
1915 511 108 0.0119%
1916 539 109 0.0113%
1917 577 97 0.0097%
1918 505 142 0.0132%
1919 483 148 0.0141%
1920 440 187 0.0168%
1921 463 178 0.0155%
1922 467 168 0.0151%
1923 498 153 0.0137%
1924 453 188 0.0162%
1925 451 188 0.0166%
1926 455 180 0.0164%
1927 471 172 0.0155%
1928 453 180 0.0168%
1929 466 161 0.0155%
1930 491 142 0.0136%
1931 498 126 0.0128%
1932 532 109 0.011%
1933 495 123 0.0132%
1934 564 92 0.0095%
1935 575 86 0.0088%
1936 557 96 0.01%
1937 558 99 0.01%
1938 606 86 0.0084%
1939 578 89 0.0087%
1940 624 82 0.0077%
1941 639 78 0.0069%
1942 656 86 0.0068%
1943 647 91 0.007%
1944 624 96 0.0077%
1945 608 97 0.008%
1946 637 109 0.0074%
1947 662 112 0.0067%
1948 604 142 0.0089%
1949 708 98 0.0061%
1950 692 107 0.0066%
1951 878 63 0.0037%
1952 894 63 0.0036%
1953 788 91 0.0051%
1954 930 64 0.0035%
1955 1,081 42 0.0023%
1956 988 62 0.0033%
1957 979 67 0.0035%
1958 986 67 0.0035%
1959 1,082 51 0.0027%
1960 1,091 52 0.0027%
1961 1,203 42 0.0022%
1962 1,051 59 0.0032%
1963 1,154 45 0.0025%
1964 1,250 37 0.0021%
1965 1,205 37 0.0023%
1966 1,367 25 0.0016%
1967 1,097 46 0.003%
1968 1,066 52 0.0035%
1969 1,148 48 0.0031%
1970 1,409 33 0.0021%
1971 1,324 38 0.0025%
1972 1,362 32 0.0023%
1973 1,185 45 0.0035%
1974 1,239 43 0.0033%
1975 1,248 44 0.0034%
1976 1,144 55 0.0043%
1977 1,246 51 0.0038%
1978 1,301 46 0.0034%
1979 1,380 42 0.003%
1980 1,355 45 0.0031%
1981 1,412 42 0.0029%
1982 1,407 42 0.0028%
1983 1,666 26 0.0018%
1984 1,225 58 0.0039%
1985 1,501 37 0.0024%
1986 1,617 32 0.0021%
1987 1,553 38 0.0025%
1988 1,787 28 0.0018%
1989 2,037 23 0.0014%
1990 1,857 34 0.0021%
1991 1,590 49 0.003%
1992 1,344 76 0.0048%
1993 1,514 56 0.0036%
1994 1,703 42 0.0027%
1995 1,762 37 0.0025%
1996 1,759 39 0.0026%
1997 1,456 63 0.0043%
1998 1,814 38 0.0025%
1999 1,886 35 0.0023%
2000 1,881 39 0.0026%
2001 1,823 44 0.0029%
2002 1,641 58 0.0039%
2003 1,871 45 0.003%
2004 1,936 42 0.0028%
2005 2,131 33 0.0022%
2006 2,030 40 0.0026%
2007 2,164 34 0.0022%
2008 2,134 35 0.0023%
2009 2,161 33 0.0022%
2010 2,238 28 0.0019%
2011 2,078 33 0.0023%
2012 2,288 24 0.0017%
2013 2,193 27 0.0019%
2014 1,708 56 0.0038%
2015 2,089 30 0.0021%
2016 2,077 29 0.002%
2017 1,776 46 0.0033%
2018 1,707 49 0.0036%
2019 1,995 30 0.0022%
2020 1,991 47 0.0037%
2021 1,954 46 0.0038%
2022 1,880 59 0.0045%

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New Jersey (NJ)

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Data via

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God is with us


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