Infographic of Marian name meaning, which is A variant form, through the Old French, of Mary.
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Marian Name Popularity

How popular is the name Marian? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 109 763 0.2167%
1911 107 834 0.224%
1912 93 1,284 0.2546%
1913 94 1,420 0.2505%
1914 90 1,844 0.2646%
1915 86 2,601 0.2863%
1916 72 3,187 0.3299%
1917 74 3,256 0.3255%
1918 76 3,482 0.3244%
1919 80 3,259 0.3112%
1920 72 3,840 0.3454%
1921 69 4,059 0.3545%
1922 67 3,945 0.3541%
1923 65 4,021 0.359%
1924 64 4,196 0.3613%
1925 67 3,972 0.3514%
1926 70 3,852 0.3502%
1927 74 3,713 0.3354%
1928 71 3,881 0.3627%
1929 75 3,436 0.3317%
1930 80 3,209 0.3072%
1931 84 2,850 0.2888%
1932 86 2,834 0.2869%
1933 89 2,627 0.282%
1934 97 2,415 0.2498%
1935 105 2,251 0.2316%
1936 114 2,046 0.2124%
1937 129 1,884 0.1912%
1938 127 1,853 0.181%
1939 130 1,819 0.1788%
1940 142 1,681 0.1582%
1941 142 1,663 0.1478%
1942 141 1,822 0.1443%
1943 148 1,776 0.136%
1944 155 1,566 0.1264%
1945 162 1,433 0.1175%
1946 161 1,635 0.1108%
1947 178 1,598 0.0957%
1948 194 1,378 0.0863%
1949 199 1,339 0.0832%
1950 212 1,244 0.0773%
1951 220 1,222 0.0721%
1952 219 1,223 0.0701%
1953 217 1,343 0.0759%
1954 104 4,008 0.2193%
1955 208 1,478 0.0804%
1956 232 1,224 0.0648%
1957 227 1,336 0.0694%
1958 270 1,032 0.0546%
1959 267 1,050 0.0553%
1960 285 998 0.0527%
1961 305 868 0.046%
1962 309 873 0.0476%
1963 320 823 0.0458%
1964 344 716 0.0407%
1965 372 559 0.0342%
1966 408 471 0.0302%
1967 429 437 0.0288%
1968 498 339 0.0226%
1969 549 282 0.0183%
1970 510 343 0.0216%
1971 574 262 0.0174%
1972 588 225 0.0165%
1973 580 225 0.0174%
1974 650 183 0.0141%
1975 718 152 0.0118%
1976 691 163 0.0126%
1977 754 150 0.0111%
1978 760 150 0.0112%
1979 856 125 0.0089%
1980 776 157 0.0107%
1981 773 158 0.0107%
1982 715 190 0.0127%
1983 905 112 0.0076%
1984 814 140 0.0094%
1985 851 135 0.0089%
1986 844 145 0.0096%
1987 908 130 0.0085%
1988 928 133 0.0085%
1989 955 136 0.0084%
1990 959 146 0.0088%
1991 924 162 0.0099%
1992 940 158 0.0099%
1993 1,039 129 0.0083%
1994 1,055 125 0.0081%
1995 1,187 94 0.0062%
1996 1,170 102 0.0068%
1997 1,177 102 0.0069%
1998 1,452 66 0.0044%
1999 1,226 100 0.0067%
2000 787 242 0.0158%
2001 1,079 143 0.0095%
2002 1,114 135 0.009%
2003 1,119 141 0.0093%
2004 1,056 163 0.0107%
2005 1,107 157 0.0103%
2006 1,146 154 0.0098%
2007 1,265 133 0.0084%
2008 1,208 144 0.0093%
2009 1,318 117 0.0078%
2010 1,168 145 0.0101%
2011 1,357 100 0.007%
2012 1,198 129 0.0091%
2013 1,305 107 0.0075%
2014 1,171 134 0.0092%
2015 1,051 171 0.0118%
2016 1,111 148 0.0103%
2017 1,178 123 0.0088%
2018 1,112 134 0.0098%
2019 1,106 133 0.0098%
2020 1,442 97 0.0076%
2021 1,360 100 0.0082%
2022 1,138 161 0.0122%

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Maine (ME)

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Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

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Tennessee (TN)

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Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

Names Like Marian

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What names are variants of Marian?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Marian.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Star of the sea



Of the sea





A variant form, through the French, of Mary.



A variant form of Marianne.



Star of the sea


What names sound like Marian?

If you like how Marian sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Marian.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Star of the sea





Of the sea




Lists With Marian

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Marian.

Siblings of Marian

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Of the light



  1. She was born on my great aunt Marian’s birthday and my husband and I like older, less common names 🙂

  2. I am Marian (in Missouri) and I am in my 60’s. Never met anyone with Marian spelled that way! Mother in law was Marion. Recently found out I was probably named after grandmother who lived in Europe in the early 1900’s!

    • Hi Marian, I live in Australia and I always see marion but never Marian. What’s with that?!

      • My name is Marian am a Nigerian was name after my grand mum

  3. I chosen Marian because it is her great grandmother’s name. Also thought it was beautiful and you dont hear the name much.

    • Thank you for saying that is a beautiful name!

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