Infographic of Daryl name meaning, which is “The beloved,” from the Anglo-Saxon deore, precious.
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Daryl Name Popularity

How popular is the name Daryl? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 911 6 0.0012%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 1,094 11 0.0012%
1916 1,357 5 0.0005%
1917 1,217 8 0.0008%
1918 1,109 12 0.0011%
1919 1,017 16 0.0015%
1920 902 26 0.0023%
1921 971 21 0.0018%
1922 417 170 0.0153%
1923 687 53 0.0047%
1924 622 71 0.0061%
1925 666 57 0.005%
1926 539 91 0.0083%
1927 559 86 0.0078%
1928 575 76 0.0071%
1929 549 79 0.0076%
1930 492 108 0.0103%
1931 500 94 0.0095%
1932 456 118 0.0119%
1933 409 138 0.0148%
1934 434 128 0.0132%
1935 496 95 0.0098%
1936 366 182 0.0189%
1937 362 183 0.0186%
1938 357 205 0.02%
1939 318 254 0.025%
1940 301 303 0.0285%
1941 318 296 0.0263%
1942 335 287 0.0227%
1943 321 329 0.0252%
1944 314 332 0.0268%
1945 303 350 0.0287%
1946 256 564 0.0382%
1947 238 704 0.0422%
1948 218 822 0.0515%
1949 206 941 0.0585%
1950 205 943 0.0586%
1951 195 1,096 0.0646%
1952 193 1,167 0.0669%
1953 186 1,330 0.0751%
1954 180 1,453 0.0795%
1955 178 1,524 0.0829%
1956 165 1,809 0.0958%
1957 179 1,678 0.0872%
1958 170 1,777 0.094%
1959 188 1,544 0.0813%
1960 189 1,625 0.0858%
1961 184 1,655 0.0877%
1962 192 1,555 0.0847%
1963 185 1,584 0.0882%
1964 180 1,514 0.086%
1965 179 1,413 0.0864%
1966 186 1,300 0.0833%
1967 183 1,319 0.0869%
1968 176 1,487 0.099%
1969 173 1,586 0.1029%
1970 161 1,777 0.1117%
1971 169 1,575 0.1048%
1972 194 1,179 0.0866%
1973 213 997 0.0769%
1974 222 925 0.0712%
1975 245 814 0.0633%
1976 224 882 0.0684%
1977 220 978 0.0726%
1978 247 807 0.06%
1979 246 846 0.06%
1980 277 727 0.0497%
1981 275 728 0.0495%
1982 287 679 0.0454%
1983 301 612 0.0415%
1984 306 598 0.0402%
1985 287 682 0.0449%
1986 297 655 0.0434%
1987 311 652 0.0427%
1988 337 600 0.0385%
1989 387 528 0.0327%
1990 441 456 0.0275%
1991 446 452 0.0277%
1992 486 381 0.0239%
1993 506 366 0.0235%
1994 547 314 0.0205%
1995 585 265 0.0176%
1996 593 253 0.0169%
1997 597 254 0.0172%
1998 692 194 0.013%
1999 745 168 0.0112%
2000 728 185 0.0121%
2001 829 149 0.0099%
2002 876 138 0.0092%
2003 921 130 0.0085%
2004 994 113 0.0074%
2005 922 139 0.0091%
2006 994 132 0.0084%
2007 1,018 129 0.0082%
2008 1,069 116 0.0075%
2009 1,282 77 0.0052%
2010 1,321 70 0.0049%
2011 1,384 59 0.0041%
2012 1,489 47 0.0033%
2013 1,239 78 0.0055%
2014 1,175 91 0.0062%
2015 1,107 107 0.0074%
2016 1,239 81 0.0056%
2017 1,377 60 0.0043%
2018 1,517 44 0.0032%
2019 1,620 35 0.0026%
2020 1,793 40 0.0031%
2021 2,037 31 0.0025%
2022 1,893 40 0.003%

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Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

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Open; from Airelle







Open; from Airelle


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Man; free man






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