Infographic of Harold name meaning, which is “The head of the army,” from the Germanic har (army) and walten (rule, be strong).
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Harold Name Popularity

How popular is the name Harold? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 18 1,896 0.5385%
1911 16 2,434 0.6536%
1912 13 5,098 1.0109%
1913 13 6,152 1.0851%
1914 14 7,561 1.0849%
1915 12 10,441 1.1492%
1916 13 10,698 1.1075%
1917 12 11,191 1.1186%
1918 13 12,184 1.1353%
1919 13 12,020 1.1479%
1920 12 13,679 1.2303%
1921 12 13,807 1.2058%
1922 13 13,594 1.2202%
1923 13 13,872 1.2385%
1924 13 14,149 1.2184%
1925 14 13,596 1.2029%
1926 14 13,306 1.2098%
1927 14 13,231 1.1953%
1928 14 12,675 1.1846%
1929 16 11,671 1.1268%
1930 18 11,659 1.1161%
1931 18 10,689 1.083%
1932 18 10,425 1.0552%
1933 18 9,538 1.0238%
1934 18 9,925 1.0267%
1935 20 9,165 0.9431%
1936 21 8,625 0.8954%
1937 21 8,545 0.8672%
1938 23 8,556 0.8358%
1939 23 8,302 0.8162%
1940 23 8,076 0.7598%
1941 24 8,102 0.7199%
1942 27 8,582 0.6796%
1943 27 8,655 0.663%
1944 27 7,976 0.6436%
1945 28 7,519 0.6165%
1946 33 8,369 0.5672%
1947 35 8,902 0.5333%
1948 36 8,138 0.5098%
1949 42 7,813 0.4857%
1950 45 7,220 0.4484%
1951 46 7,174 0.4231%
1952 51 6,963 0.3989%
1953 56 6,578 0.3717%
1954 60 6,341 0.3469%
1955 63 6,084 0.3308%
1956 71 5,950 0.315%
1957 74 5,749 0.2988%
1958 83 5,144 0.2722%
1959 88 4,937 0.2598%
1960 92 4,674 0.2467%
1961 94 4,439 0.2351%
1962 95 4,230 0.2304%
1963 95 4,098 0.2283%
1964 98 3,874 0.2201%
1965 99 3,541 0.2165%
1966 99 3,321 0.2127%
1967 104 2,945 0.1941%
1968 108 2,829 0.1884%
1969 118 2,757 0.179%
1970 121 2,717 0.1707%
1971 130 2,374 0.158%
1972 132 2,023 0.1485%
1973 141 1,791 0.1381%
1974 146 1,647 0.1267%
1975 154 1,566 0.1219%
1976 162 1,419 0.1101%
1977 168 1,411 0.1047%
1978 189 1,218 0.0906%
1979 195 1,222 0.0867%
1980 208 1,162 0.0795%
1981 223 1,072 0.0729%
1982 224 1,020 0.0683%
1983 237 914 0.0619%
1984 254 828 0.0557%
1985 259 819 0.054%
1986 270 762 0.0505%
1987 270 779 0.051%
1988 289 765 0.0491%
1989 307 747 0.0463%
1990 326 726 0.0438%
1991 356 637 0.0391%
1992 354 632 0.0396%
1993 383 565 0.0362%
1994 437 483 0.0315%
1995 447 472 0.0313%
1996 442 469 0.0313%
1997 492 385 0.026%
1998 518 361 0.0241%
1999 514 374 0.025%
2000 537 361 0.0236%
2001 548 343 0.0228%
2002 580 332 0.0222%
2003 608 301 0.0198%
2004 622 297 0.0195%
2005 642 291 0.019%
2006 653 309 0.0197%
2007 676 305 0.0193%
2008 727 268 0.0173%
2009 833 206 0.0138%
2010 735 255 0.0177%
2011 841 198 0.0139%
2012 842 198 0.0139%
2013 881 178 0.0125%
2014 802 225 0.0154%
2015 797 226 0.0155%
2016 768 248 0.0172%
2017 773 232 0.0166%
2018 797 216 0.0157%
2019 781 224 0.0165%
2020 940 177 0.0139%
2021 985 173 0.0142%
2022 934 193 0.0146%

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West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

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Names Like Harold

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What names are diminutives of Harold?

A diminutive is a name that’s like Harold sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Harold, but shorter.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A diminutive form of Harold and Henry.


What names are variants of Harold?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Harold.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Army ruler



Army ruler



Army ruler



Army ruler



Spear ruler; army ruler



Spear ruler; army ruler



A diminutive form of Harold and Henry.



Army ruler



Army ruler



Army ruler



Army ruler



God's mount



Home ruler



Army ruler



Army ruler



Army ruler



War ruler



Army ruler



Army ruler; war ruler


What names are similar to Harold?

Find a name that’s like Harold, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender


Lists With Harold

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Harold.

Siblings of Harold

Mamas with kids named Harold also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Strong and healthy



  1. Family name, he is Harold the 5th- family name for the baby is Mackie, dad is Mack and grandpa Harold

  2. Myself, being named Harold, old, old fashioned or not very popular, I just love the name even more because it is not a common name, which is why I like things rare and different which just seems to enhance the pronouncing MY first name, which is only music to my ears.The ONLY name I feel is BETTER than Harold is JESUS !! Peace, out !!!

  3. Harold is a relatively old-school name, but Harry is a cute nickname for me. Harold makes me think of the helicopter on Thomas. If new parents embrace Henry and Harvey again, they might try Harold so that their little guys can retain his nickname Harry

  4. I love old-fashioned names and I really like that it is not currently popular. Harold is a family name and was on the list for me if I had been a boy so in a way it feels like he’s named for me. We gave him his dad’s name for a middle name to keep it fair. 🙂
    For a nickname we call him Hal but we actually use his full name much more often than we originally thought we would.

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