Infographic of Della name meaning, which is noble
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Della Name Popularity

How popular is the name Della? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 138 557 0.1582%
1911 128 618 0.166%
1912 149 698 0.1384%
1913 151 759 0.1339%
1914 162 856 0.1228%
1915 168 1,071 0.1179%
1916 165 1,157 0.1198%
1917 168 1,180 0.1179%
1918 178 1,135 0.1058%
1919 175 1,172 0.1119%
1920 181 1,117 0.1005%
1921 186 1,135 0.0991%
1922 185 1,145 0.1028%
1923 192 1,101 0.0983%
1924 198 1,036 0.0892%
1925 197 1,004 0.0888%
1926 196 989 0.0899%
1927 205 929 0.0839%
1928 208 876 0.0819%
1929 209 847 0.0818%
1930 208 862 0.0825%
1931 208 842 0.0853%
1932 213 817 0.0827%
1933 202 834 0.0895%
1934 219 782 0.0809%
1935 218 758 0.078%
1936 226 693 0.0719%
1937 208 766 0.0777%
1938 221 721 0.0704%
1939 234 662 0.0651%
1940 246 631 0.0594%
1941 249 642 0.057%
1942 262 638 0.0505%
1943 269 659 0.0505%
1944 274 607 0.049%
1945 297 500 0.041%
1946 307 545 0.0369%
1947 286 700 0.0419%
1948 309 576 0.0361%
1949 323 540 0.0336%
1950 312 582 0.0361%
1951 309 618 0.0364%
1952 330 582 0.0333%
1953 362 514 0.029%
1954 351 560 0.0306%
1955 361 547 0.0297%
1956 377 511 0.0271%
1957 396 495 0.0257%
1958 354 639 0.0338%
1959 368 641 0.0337%
1960 352 709 0.0374%
1961 388 587 0.0311%
1962 426 478 0.026%
1963 413 501 0.0279%
1964 457 409 0.0232%
1965 484 340 0.0208%
1966 482 334 0.0214%
1967 523 285 0.0188%
1968 538 272 0.0181%
1969 576 245 0.0159%
1970 593 246 0.0155%
1971 642 205 0.0136%
1972 688 161 0.0118%
1973 769 125 0.0096%
1974 812 115 0.0088%
1975 855 106 0.0082%
1976 937 88 0.0068%
1977 825 126 0.0093%
1978 1,207 56 0.0042%
1979 1,276 51 0.0036%
1980 1,315 48 0.0033%
1981 1,297 51 0.0035%
1982 1,491 37 0.0025%
1983 1,428 38 0.0026%
1984 1,433 38 0.0026%
1985 1,895 21 0.0014%
1986 2,120 16 0.0011%
1987 1,752 28 0.0018%
1988 2,605 11 0.0007%
1989 1,950 26 0.0016%
1990 2,688 12 0.0007%
1991 2,838 11 0.0007%
1992 2,629 13 0.0008%
1993 3,055 8 0.0005%
1994 2,597 14 0.0009%
1995 2,743 11 0.0007%
1996 2,713 11 0.0007%
1997 3,796 5 0.0003%
1998 0 0%
1999 2,834 11 0.0007%
2000 3,578 5 0.0003%
2001 0 0%
2002 2,335 23 0.0015%
2003 2,348 23 0.0015%
2004 2,877 12 0.0008%
2005 2,248 29 0.0019%
2006 2,433 24 0.0015%
2007 3,084 11 0.0007%
2008 2,675 17 0.0011%
2009 1,779 55 0.0037%
2010 1,572 71 0.0049%
2011 1,756 51 0.0036%
2012 1,217 125 0.0088%
2013 1,353 97 0.0068%
2014 1,180 133 0.0091%
2015 1,067 164 0.0113%
2016 948 208 0.0144%
2017 991 183 0.0131%
2018 782 275 0.02%
2019 750 291 0.0215%
2020 949 216 0.017%
2021 669 368 0.0301%
2022 644 412 0.0312%

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Wyoming (WY)

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Noble kind



Noble kind








What names sound like Della?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Small winged one; pleasure, delight



From Delos



Noble kind



Noble kind



From Delos






Small winged one


What names are similar to Della?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Small winged one






Pleasure, delight


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Clay settlement



  1. As a Della, I feel like I have a special qualification to comment on my name. I am named after my grandmother on my dad’s side. Growing up, I only met a few others with my name. One is a couple of years younger than me, is my cousin, and is named after the same grandmother mentioned before. Everyone else, nice old ladies in their 80’s. With that, I always felt like I had an old lady’s name. Also, it was always frustrating to correct people when introducing myself (“no it’s not Bella, it’s Della. D as in Dog”). And don’t even get me started on never finding my name on keychains. But, as I’ve gotten older (I’m 24 now), Della has grown on me. So, if my name seems like the right fit for your little girl coming along, go ahead and name her Della. Because while she may be frustrated with the name as a kid, she’ll probably grow into it and appreciate its uniqueness. Also, she’ll get endless compiments on her name throughout her life from strangers. And, when she meets and Della in the wild, it’s a exciting to meet someone else with the same name (because that rarely happens).

  2. We met a little vivacious three year olds with golden rod bouncy curls who was wearing a tutu, crocs, & a tiara. She was free spirited & full of joy & so precious. Her name was-I know you can’t guess-Della. ? And that was that for our next girl. A year and a half later for our second surprise gender baby, we had our very own Della.

  3. We named our daughter Della after my grandmother. We love old names that are not too common and Della is a simple and sweet name that fits into that category perfectly!

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