Elisa Name Meaning

Elisa is a diminutive of the name Elizabeth. The name Elizabeth is thought to have originated from the Hebrew name Elisheva, which means “God is my oath.” So, by extension, the name Elisa can be interpreted to mean “God is my oath.” It’s a strong and powerful name that carries with it a sense of divine promise and protection.

Origins of the Name Elisa

The name Elisa has a few different origins. It can be a variant of the name Elise, which is derived from the Germanic name Elizabeth. It can also be a variant of the name Elisabeth, which is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Elizabeth. And finally, it can be a short form of the name Elisabetta, which is the Italian form of Elizabeth. So, as you can see, Elisa has quite a few different linguistic roots!

Popularity of the Name Elisa

Elisa has been a popular name for centuries. It was a top 100 name in the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and it has remained a steady favorite ever since. It’s a popular name in many Spanish-speaking countries as well, particularly in Spain and Mexico.

In recent years, the name Elisa has seen a slight decline in popularity in the United States, but it remains a classic and timeless choice for parents. It’s a name that carries with it a sense of strength and beauty, making it a perfect choice for any little girl.

Final Thoughts on the Name Elisa

Whether you’re looking for a strong, classic name with a touch of elegance, or you simply love the sound of the name Elisa, it’s a choice that will stand the test of time. It’s a name that has been around for centuries and will likely continue to be popular for many more to come. So, if you’re expecting a little girl and haven’t quite settled on a name yet, consider the timeless and beautiful name Elisa.

Infographic of Elisa name meaning, which is God's promise
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Elisa Name Popularity

How popular is the name Elisa? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 559 22 0.0062%
1911 750 10 0.0027%
1912 675 22 0.0044%
1913 754 20 0.0035%
1914 646 41 0.0059%
1915 800 34 0.0037%
1916 743 46 0.0048%
1917 695 58 0.0058%
1918 842 37 0.0034%
1919 731 54 0.0052%
1920 677 73 0.0066%
1921 734 62 0.0054%
1922 679 74 0.0066%
1923 689 75 0.0067%
1924 626 99 0.0085%
1925 662 81 0.0072%
1926 604 96 0.0087%
1927 639 85 0.0077%
1928 550 116 0.0108%
1929 568 97 0.0094%
1930 538 114 0.0109%
1931 564 92 0.0093%
1932 540 105 0.0106%
1933 589 77 0.0083%
1934 543 103 0.0107%
1935 587 80 0.0082%
1936 575 86 0.0089%
1937 633 72 0.0073%
1938 646 70 0.0068%
1939 692 56 0.0055%
1940 676 64 0.006%
1941 728 55 0.0049%
1942 708 67 0.0053%
1943 652 89 0.0068%
1944 659 82 0.0066%
1945 699 69 0.0057%
1946 696 88 0.006%
1947 769 80 0.0048%
1948 703 98 0.0061%
1949 711 97 0.006%
1950 796 76 0.0047%
1951 655 127 0.0075%
1952 681 124 0.0071%
1953 545 209 0.0118%
1954 580 194 0.0106%
1955 534 245 0.0133%
1956 561 232 0.0123%
1957 535 276 0.0143%
1958 495 331 0.0175%
1959 455 408 0.0215%
1960 425 482 0.0254%
1961 414 506 0.0268%
1962 412 510 0.0278%
1963 358 669 0.0373%
1964 380 600 0.0341%
1965 367 575 0.0352%
1966 352 621 0.0398%
1967 355 598 0.0394%
1968 350 598 0.0398%
1969 364 601 0.039%
1970 358 656 0.0412%
1971 361 632 0.0421%
1972 362 564 0.0414%
1973 357 551 0.0425%
1974 379 515 0.0396%
1975 410 454 0.0353%
1976 390 481 0.0373%
1977 384 498 0.0369%
1978 367 540 0.0402%
1979 324 688 0.0488%
1980 343 663 0.0453%
1981 313 738 0.0502%
1982 338 669 0.0448%
1983 344 629 0.0426%
1984 368 591 0.0397%
1985 354 621 0.0409%
1986 360 618 0.0409%
1987 384 574 0.0376%
1988 398 562 0.0361%
1989 394 591 0.0366%
1990 427 555 0.0335%
1991 422 563 0.0345%
1992 454 504 0.0316%
1993 455 510 0.0327%
1994 481 472 0.0308%
1995 460 513 0.034%
1996 444 533 0.0356%
1997 457 517 0.035%
1998 471 509 0.034%
1999 516 456 0.0304%
2000 527 458 0.03%
2001 503 506 0.0336%
2002 489 527 0.0352%
2003 520 505 0.0332%
2004 488 558 0.0366%
2005 534 494 0.0323%
2006 540 509 0.0325%
2007 558 498 0.0316%
2008 613 454 0.0294%
2009 634 422 0.0282%
2010 490 563 0.0391%
2011 525 501 0.0352%
2012 363 819 0.0575%
2013 464 614 0.0431%
2014 496 577 0.0396%
2015 477 618 0.0425%
2016 470 606 0.042%
2017 490 574 0.0411%
2018 445 642 0.0467%
2019 417 678 0.0501%
2020 503 551 0.0433%
2021 420 673 0.0551%
2022 414 726 0.055%

Alabama (AL)

Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Michigan (MI)

Minnesota (MN)

Missouri (MO)

Mississippi (MS)

Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

Nebraska (NE)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

Nevada (NV)

New York (NY)

Ohio (OH)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (RI)

South Carolina (SC)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via SSA.gov.

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What names are variants of Elisa?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God's promise



God is my oath



God's promise



God's promise; God's promise; God is my oath



God's promise; God is Lord



God's promise; from the blessed isles; God's promise; God is my oath



God's promise; God's promise; God is my oath



God's promise; God's promise; God is my oath







God's promise; God's promise; God is my oath



God's promise



God's promise


What names sound like Elisa?

If you like how Elisa sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Elisa.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Great happiness



God's promise; God is my oath



God's promise



God's promise; God is my oath



From the blessed isles



From the blessed isles



God is my oath



Noble, exalted; God's promise; God is my oath



Famous warrior



God's promise; God is my oath



God's promise; God is my oath



From the blessed isles






What names are similar to Elisa?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

God is my oath


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Shining light



  1. I really love the name Elisa, it’s absolutely gorgeous, stunning. I was wondering if you could make a picture of the name elisa with the spelling “elisa” because all I see is “eliza”

  2. Classic yet modern and Elli is the cutest nickname

  3. Elisa is the shortened Spanish name of Elizabeth or Eliza. We have sort of an easy name already with our two previous daughters, that and a combination of a recently passing family member with the name of Elizabeth, made us choose the nickname Elisa as a good candidate for our upcoming daughter.

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