Nathaniel Name Meaning

Nathaniel is a biblical name, derived from the Hebrew name Natan’el, which means “God has given”.

Origins of the Name Nathaniel

The name Nathaniel is commonly found in the Old Testament of the Bible, and is mentioned in several passages. For example, in 1 Chronicles 4:18, it is written that “Nathaniel the son of Zophah of the tribe of Issachar was over the livestock”.

Popularity of the Name Nathaniel

Nathaniel has been a popular boy’s name for centuries, and its popularity has held steady over the years. In the United States, it was the twentieth most popular name for boys in 2019, and is even more popular overseas. In certain countries, such as France and Spain, it is one of the top ten most popular names.

Famous Nathaniels

Nathaniel has been used as a given name by many famous people throughout history. Some of the most well-known Nathaniels include American actor and director Nathaniel Hawthorne, British mathematician and philosopher Nathaniel Bacon, and the fictional character Nathaniel “Nate” Archibald from the TV series Gossip Girl.

Final Thoughts on the Name Nathaniel

From its biblical origins to its modern day popularity, Nathaniel is a timeless name with a rich history. Whether you’re looking for a classic name for your son or simply want to learn more about this popular name, we hope this article has provided you with the information you need.

Infographic of Nathaniel name meaning, which is A variant of Nathanael, Nathaniel is a Hebrew name meaning God is given.
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Nathaniel Name Popularity

How popular is the name Nathaniel? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 130 210 0.0596%
1911 158 173 0.0465%
1912 163 320 0.0635%
1913 198 300 0.0529%
1914 183 444 0.0637%
1915 198 520 0.0572%
1916 193 560 0.058%
1917 190 604 0.0604%
1918 190 638 0.0594%
1919 175 717 0.0685%
1920 166 806 0.0725%
1921 185 727 0.0635%
1922 176 769 0.069%
1923 191 696 0.0621%
1924 179 777 0.0669%
1925 178 777 0.0687%
1926 174 796 0.0724%
1927 187 749 0.0677%
1928 193 705 0.0659%
1929 180 743 0.0717%
1930 180 733 0.0702%
1931 198 628 0.0636%
1932 177 756 0.0765%
1933 176 707 0.0759%
1934 174 766 0.0792%
1935 180 721 0.0742%
1936 179 714 0.0741%
1937 185 688 0.0698%
1938 186 718 0.0701%
1939 181 751 0.0738%
1940 175 809 0.0761%
1941 181 805 0.0715%
1942 188 825 0.0653%
1943 187 816 0.0625%
1944 183 848 0.0684%
1945 182 828 0.0679%
1946 187 952 0.0645%
1947 186 1,081 0.0648%
1948 180 1,136 0.0712%
1949 179 1,163 0.0723%
1950 183 1,196 0.0743%
1951 188 1,206 0.0711%
1952 190 1,226 0.0702%
1953 192 1,245 0.0703%
1954 205 1,190 0.0651%
1955 196 1,308 0.0711%
1956 205 1,271 0.0673%
1957 213 1,234 0.0641%
1958 235 1,068 0.0565%
1959 235 1,140 0.06%
1960 241 1,101 0.0581%
1961 244 1,023 0.0542%
1962 235 1,052 0.0573%
1963 237 985 0.0549%
1964 238 995 0.0565%
1965 223 1,041 0.0637%
1966 236 877 0.0562%
1967 227 936 0.0617%
1968 236 878 0.0585%
1969 231 968 0.0628%
1970 219 1,107 0.0696%
1971 199 1,191 0.0793%
1972 191 1,188 0.0872%
1973 169 1,373 0.1059%
1974 152 1,589 0.1223%
1975 131 1,945 0.1514%
1976 114 2,207 0.1712%
1977 107 2,495 0.1851%
1978 94 2,926 0.2176%
1979 95 3,041 0.2157%
1980 86 3,489 0.2386%
1981 80 3,720 0.2531%
1982 75 3,938 0.2635%
1983 79 3,641 0.2467%
1984 80 3,598 0.2419%
1985 77 4,002 0.2637%
1986 78 4,030 0.267%
1987 78 4,046 0.2651%
1988 81 4,055 0.2602%
1989 84 4,118 0.2552%
1990 86 4,342 0.262%
1991 84 4,368 0.268%
1992 79 4,687 0.2936%
1993 75 4,850 0.3111%
1994 78 5,028 0.3276%
1995 73 5,203 0.3452%
1996 69 5,419 0.3619%
1997 65 5,774 0.3904%
1998 60 6,427 0.4294%
1999 62 6,464 0.4316%
2000 61 6,797 0.4449%
2001 61 6,644 0.441%
2002 62 6,812 0.4546%
2003 63 6,665 0.4381%
2004 68 6,667 0.4374%
2005 69 6,682 0.437%
2006 69 6,624 0.423%
2007 82 6,059 0.384%
2008 77 5,850 0.3785%
2009 75 5,424 0.3629%
2010 81 5,094 0.3535%
2011 84 4,967 0.3486%
2012 84 4,780 0.3354%
2013 91 4,521 0.3175%
2014 94 4,301 0.2952%
2015 97 4,201 0.2887%
2016 102 3,861 0.2678%
2017 112 3,496 0.2505%
2018 116 3,342 0.2432%
2019 123 3,065 0.2264%
2020 126 2,841 0.2232%
2021 133 2,794 0.2286%
2022 138 2,666 0.2021%

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Arkansas (AR)

Arizona (AZ)

California (CA)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

District of Columbia (DC)

Delaware (DE)

Florida (FL)

Georgia (GA)

Hawaii (HI)

Iowa (IA)

Idaho (ID)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Louisiana (LA)

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Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

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Missouri (MO)

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Montana (MT)

North Carolina (NC)

North Dakota (ND)

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Rhode Island (RI)

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South Dakota (SD)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Utah (UT)

Virginia (VA)

Vermont (VT)

Washington (WA)

Wisconsin (WI)

West Virginia (WV)

Wyoming (WY)

Data via

Names Like Nathaniel

If you like Nathaniel, you’ll love these other names like Nathaniel.

What names are diminutives of Nathaniel?

A diminutive is a name that’s like Nathaniel sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Nathaniel, but shorter.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A diminutive form of Nathan and Nathaniel.



God has given



A short form of Nathan and Nathaniel.

What names are variants of Nathaniel?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Nathaniel.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A diminutive form of Nathan and Nathaniel.



God has given



God has given



God has given



He gave



God has given



God has given



God has given



God has given



God has given



God has given



God has given



God has given



God has given



God has given


Lists With Nathaniel

Find inspiration in these baby boy name lists featuring the name Nathaniel.

Siblings of Nathaniel

Mamas with kids named Nathaniel also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender







Venerable or honorable



Healing herb






God contends



Helped by God





  1. Named after his dad’s middle name and his middle name is Leonidas which is found in the Bible

  2. We prayed for a baby for almost 10 years and had our miracle daughter Anastasia in 2021 we didn’t think it would happen again but my husband always prayed for a son too. When we found out we were pregnant again and it was a boy we had a few names picked but ended up really liking Nathaniel because of the meaning of (God has heard)

  3. His name means gift of God which he is

  4. This name means “gift of God” which is a reminder to me (and will sometimes be necessary to remind myself through difficult times) of his being a blessing, a good gift. In the Gosple of John, Jesus calls Nathaniel (referred to as Bartholomew in the other Gosples) to be one of his 12 closest followers because “there is no deceit” in him, a quality I want my son to strive for. Nathaniel is also honest in his skepticism about Jesus at first asking, “can anything good come out of Nazareth?” yet he doesn’t let that stop him from seeking out the truth of the Lord himself.

  5. He is my gift from God.

  6. I chose the name Nathaniel because he is a gift from God. God gave me a son when l least expected.

  7. He is a gift from God

  8. He is God give.

  9. He is my gift from God, l asked God and he answered me.

  10. I actually chose the name Cassius for my son Nathaniel but his father didn’t agree and said his name should be Nathaniel Lee. I love my sons name but I would have rather have had his name be something a little more simpler.

  11. We asked God to name our child, as my husband and I could not agree on one. Very soon after we prayed about it, my husband had been reading his Bible and came across the name, and loved it! Turns out, it means, “Given of God”, or “Gift from God”!

  12. Traditional name, not too popular

  13. I love how this name is not super common anymore but everyone still knows how to pronounce it

  14. We chose Nathaniel mainly because of the meaning- “Gift from God”. We also liked the fact that both of our names end in the “iel” (Daniel and Ariel) and that his name would continue that.

  15. Nathaniel is our first baby. We struggled with years of infertility and were told by two different reproductive endocrinologists that we had less than a 1% chance of getting pregnant. After years of prayer, he was spontaneously conceived without ART. Nathaniel means gift from God. And he really is!

    His middle names are Hans (German version of John, meaning God is gracious) and Freddie (peaceful ruler) to honor family members.

    We searched baby name books and online tools to come up with the name.

  16. It means gift from God. And he is a gift from God.

  17. Nathaniel is my great grand father’s name.

  18. He was named after my mother who’s mame is Natalie

  19. I have loved the name Nathaniel for a long time and it shortens nicely to Nate. When I looked up the meaning of the name, it is Hebrew for “God has given”. Seemed extra appropriate since I gave up on having children. My little man certainly is a gift. His middle names are to honour the men in our families, but we wanted the first name to be of his own identity.

  20. He’s named after his daddy

  21. It means God given Gifts!

    He came as a gift to me and his Daddy
    We are so much glad to be a first time parent! And we accredit this privileged to God….

  22. He was named after my uncle

  23. Our fourth baby was a gender surprise, we already have three girls, so we were SURE it was another girl! Instead a beautiful boy came to meet us after a very long pushing phase, which put us into the next day, coincidentally my late uncle’s birthday. His name was John, and in the Bible, Nathaniel is the follower of John, and we loved the name. There you have it! It took us a week to get there! 🙂

  24. Nathaniel means Gift from God?I feel the meaning is self explanatory and spot on! Our precious little guy was nothing less than just that.

  25. Nathaniel means Gift from God?I feel the meaning is self explanatory and spot on! Our precious little guy was nothing less than a perfect Goft from God!

  26. Nathaniel means “gift from god” and my son is truly a gift from above. Plus I just really like the name. His nick names are Nate the great, plain Nate and Nathan…or Neal ( the initials for his full name)

    Wonderful baby boy name

  27. Name means “Gift from God.”. He is our rainbow baby after infertility and truly a miracle and gift.

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