Lydia Name Meaning

A beautiful Biblical pick with vintage styling, Lydia has been making her presence known on the baby name scene. With a sound similar to mega-hits like Olivia and Amelia, she’s a treasure of a name just waiting to be discovered by parents.

While old lady chic names continue to be all the rage, Lydia is right on trend without being too popular. Like her sisters Pearl and Margo, she has antique roots to boast about with a hefty dose of modern style as well. Likewise, she works well with the L name trend where Lily and Layla have been picking up steam. She’s well-known enough to avoid spelling or pronunciation issues but still has a sense of mystery around her.

Lydia is delicate yet strong, a name with more than meets the eye. She’s bold and brave in her styling, not afraid to strike a pose when the moment is right. She has the enviable British feel of Ruby and Madeline, yet takes things a step further with her upscale air. After all, Lydia is quite the polished lady, one who fancies the finer things in life.

Also appearing as Lidia, Lydia ages without issue, a darling name on a dainty tea party hostess and grown chef alike. With her precious nickname of Lydie, she’s simply irresistible.

Infographic of Lydia name meaning, which is Lydia means from Lydia, an ancient kingdom of Asia Minor and appears in the Bible as a woman converted to Christianity
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Lydia Name Popularity

How popular is the name Lydia? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 150 509 0.1446%
1911 142 542 0.1455%
1912 151 675 0.1338%
1913 153 743 0.131%
1914 165 836 0.12%
1915 169 1,069 0.1177%
1916 166 1,139 0.1179%
1917 169 1,172 0.1171%
1918 179 1,132 0.1055%
1919 181 1,049 0.1002%
1920 184 1,099 0.0988%
1921 196 1,023 0.0893%
1922 196 1,008 0.0905%
1923 204 952 0.085%
1924 215 889 0.0766%
1925 206 932 0.0825%
1926 221 791 0.0719%
1927 216 851 0.0769%
1928 219 788 0.0736%
1929 223 724 0.0699%
1930 234 650 0.0622%
1931 236 613 0.0621%
1932 245 599 0.0606%
1933 236 639 0.0686%
1934 248 591 0.0611%
1935 245 636 0.0654%
1936 237 654 0.0679%
1937 237 652 0.0662%
1938 242 648 0.0633%
1939 239 644 0.0633%
1940 237 683 0.0643%
1941 251 638 0.0567%
1942 230 807 0.0639%
1943 230 822 0.063%
1944 234 765 0.0617%
1945 228 798 0.0654%
1946 240 852 0.0577%
1947 231 1,007 0.0603%
1948 209 1,188 0.0744%
1949 214 1,212 0.0753%
1950 223 1,103 0.0685%
1951 227 1,109 0.0654%
1952 212 1,294 0.0741%
1953 201 1,525 0.0862%
1954 199 1,534 0.0839%
1955 200 1,555 0.0845%
1956 208 1,513 0.0801%
1957 206 1,598 0.083%
1958 207 1,550 0.082%
1959 211 1,546 0.0814%
1960 207 1,631 0.0861%
1961 215 1,544 0.0818%
1962 228 1,385 0.0754%
1963 246 1,265 0.0705%
1964 258 1,150 0.0653%
1965 262 1,049 0.0641%
1966 274 904 0.0579%
1967 292 829 0.0546%
1968 301 823 0.0548%
1969 320 771 0.05%
1970 307 887 0.0557%
1971 312 822 0.0547%
1972 319 714 0.0524%
1973 329 640 0.0494%
1974 314 685 0.0527%
1975 326 643 0.05%
1976 306 716 0.0556%
1977 308 729 0.0541%
1978 326 663 0.0493%
1979 296 778 0.0552%
1980 286 831 0.0568%
1981 269 903 0.0614%
1982 240 1,019 0.0682%
1983 239 994 0.0674%
1984 217 1,181 0.0794%
1985 211 1,193 0.0786%
1986 228 1,106 0.0733%
1987 221 1,178 0.0772%
1988 222 1,146 0.0735%
1989 216 1,241 0.0769%
1990 203 1,389 0.0838%
1991 214 1,362 0.0836%
1992 204 1,382 0.0866%
1993 205 1,404 0.0901%
1994 183 1,596 0.104%
1995 168 1,743 0.1157%
1996 173 1,796 0.1199%
1997 160 1,922 0.13%
1998 153 2,056 0.1374%
1999 148 2,160 0.1442%
2000 149 2,296 0.1503%
2001 140 2,346 0.1557%
2002 136 2,499 0.1668%
2003 127 2,618 0.1721%
2004 126 2,615 0.1716%
2005 119 2,766 0.1809%
2006 130 2,654 0.1695%
2007 124 2,758 0.1748%
2008 120 2,865 0.1854%
2009 118 2,815 0.1883%
2010 110 2,824 0.196%
2011 96 3,083 0.2164%
2012 95 3,162 0.2219%
2013 95 3,252 0.2284%
2014 84 3,632 0.2493%
2015 80 3,489 0.2398%
2016 80 3,606 0.2501%
2017 85 3,303 0.2367%
2018 89 3,176 0.2312%
2019 93 2,976 0.2198%
2020 97 2,644 0.2077%
2021 89 2,732 0.2235%
2022 93 2,785 0.2111%

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Glorious rule






Loved by the people



From Lydia



Small winged one; loved by the people; from Lydia



From Lydia


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

From Lydia



From Lydia


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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

A diminutive of Elizabeth, “to the Lord I consecrate thee.”








What names are similar to Lydia?

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Free man



Dahlia flower



Morning star; from Denmark



To rival



Desired one



Devoted to God






Olive tree








Lists With Lydia

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Siblings of Lydia

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Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

From Lucania



Much desired



God has given









  1. My husband and I were discussing baby names years before I got pregnant. We liked the name Lydia because it was a pretty name that was not so common that you hear it all the time but it was also not too unique that it sounded really weird. It is also a name you can find in the Bible and it has a nice meaning.

  2. Lydia is an awesome name and i should know and i love this website because it says how cool i am.

  3. Lydia means noble one, beautiful one. We, my husband and I loved the meaning and then when we read about Lydia in the Bible in Acts 16, we felt it right to name our daughter after her. We believe we made the right choice. We look forward to seeing her grow as a noble and beautiful soul.

  4. Lydia was the seller of purple cloth in the Bible, and I’m obsessed with the color purple. She also hosted the first church, and was one of the first female entrepreneurs mentioned.

  5. It’s a beautiful & timeless name that isn’t overused. It’s very unique without sounding out of the ordinary. Lydia was the first gentile woman to believe in Christ in the book of Acts. She was a dyer of purple linens & was giving to the poor.

  6. I personally didn’t like my name Lydia because of how people would tease about it but time came when my rev was preaching about how Lydia, the business woman in the bible helped apostle Paul and his fellows by hospitalizing them and since then,I became so proud of my name LYDIA ???. And since I am beautiful, courageous and hard-working, please it’s a good name y’all should give your young born girls ????

  7. My husband and I chose a biblical theme for our children. They are Moses, Miriam, Esther (Enoch) and now our youngest is Lydia! I love how Lydia was a successful businesswoman in the New Testament and used her home to show hospitality to Jesus’ disciples.

  8. Lydia is the first woman to follow Jesus in Europe when Paul and his coworkers share on the bank of a river where a group of ladies gathered to pray. Lydia is hard working and hospitable. She is a leader and leads her household in baptism after hearing about how to follow Jesus. I love what her name signifies in leadership, diligence and hospitality. Praying these things over my sweet Lydia Joy!

  9. Lydia from Acts 16

  10. The name has a great meaning and is rather rare. The name works internationally. We have a friend with that name. Lydia was the first Christian woman in Europe.

  11. Lydia is a lesser known biblical name from the New Testament. I just knew she was Lydia once we knew she was a girl in utero. She already fits her name not even a day old.

  12. My name is Lydia, and I love it.!! Well, I’ll say the name is such a sweet ?? and beautiful name.
    It also have great meaning, am greatful to have one of a kind” name’. Baby girl Lydia ??

  13. Daddy chose the name after a famous female golfer. I have no objection since I already have a good friend whose name is Lydia – my friend is thrilled to share her name.

    Nothing I dislike about the name Lydia.

  14. My great grandmothers name was elva Louise love. Her initials were ELL. I’ve always wanted to name my daughter Ellie. BUT, my son has a biblical name and we wanted to keep that theme so we chose Lydia because not only is it biblical, it begins with L so we can call her “L” as a nod to my great grandmother.

  15. I hated my name growing up. I am redheaded and with the name Lydia I was teased a lot about being a witch. I never had to worry about there ever being another Lydia being in the same class, as a matter of fact there never was one in the whole school until I got up into high school. I do have to correct people because they pronounce it wrong, my Grandpa always called me Libby. Now I get a lot of compliments on my name and the color of my hair. I also named my daughter Lydia but she goes by her middle name.

    • Hello I’m Lydia The name of Lydia is special ??and
      It doesn’t matter if other people
      Make fun of you

      When you do something they will talk

      Don’t let them make you insecure

      Lydia is a precious name?

  16. Lydia was the first European convert to Christianity, as recorded in the book of Acts. She was a seller of purple cloth and support led Paul’s gospel ministry/ the early house church movement.

    I think it’s a beautiful name that sounds like a song ? It means beautiful one or noble one. My name, Audra, means noble woman and my daughter and I share the same middle name, Christine. I like that our names have similar meanings and that she’s named to honor a godly woman is scripture.

  17. My name is Lydia. And I love it. As I grew it up I read the bible, everyone time I got to the part about Lydia I would get so excited

  18. My mom liked many girl names and one of them was Lydia. But after I was born, my moms cousin had a daughter that was two years older than me and was also named Lydia. So, with much thought, my mom and dad named me Lydea instead of Lydia to separate the confusing name.

  19. When I was a little girl about 6 years old I read in the bible about Lydia , and I said then if I ever had a little girl that’s what her name would be. So many years later I had my sweet baby girl and Lydia JoAnne is her name 🙂

  20. I was in labor and I walked out of the bathroom and asked my husband if he liked the name. It just came to me during a contraction. We had a list of 18 names and we wanted to wait to meet her. Turns out she sent us a message.

  21. We love the name Lydia because we love Halloween and the name comes from the movie Beetlejuice 🙂

  22. I wanted something unique and lovely and as an added bonus it also happens to be a positive biblical name of a prophetess in the book of Acts. It also went well with my middle, May, name which I’d be giving to my girl.

  23. We hadn’t much thought about or discussed names before our baby was born. We did not find out the sex, and after taking a week to decide our firstborn’s name, figured we could wait and avoid the stress of looking. After she was born and we’d brought her home, I kept wanting to call her Lydia! It wasn’t a name we’d ever considered, and we don’t know any Lydia’s! We just went with it.

  24. We wanted a biblical name as we already had 2 boys with biblical names. We also wanted something a little bit different. Lydia is in the new testament as a lady who showed support and hospitality to Paul and is thought to be one of his first converts. I’ve loved the name Lydia actually since hearing it on the movie Mrs Doubtfire as a kid – one of the children’s names 🙂

  25. We chose Lydia because it’s a name that we haven’t heard much in the past recent years. I’ve also never actually known anyone in person names Lydia. I love the name! I don’t think there’s anything that I don’t like about it honestly. I think her name is perfect!

  26. Lydia was a wealthy businesswoman from Asia who had an influential part in establishing the Philippian church in Acts 16. She heard and believed the apostle Paul’s teaching and invited him and his companions to stay in her home. After that, the believers in that area would gather in her home for worship and teaching. She’s not mentioned many times but the impact she had was influential in the spread of the gospel! I’ve always thought that would be a great name to use for a daughter ever since I heard more about Lydia in the teaching at our church one Sunday. There’s definitely more info about her out there, but I’d have to look back at it – suffice to say she was a very generous, hospitable, faith-filled, and courageous person, and I pray that my own daughter would embody those traits as well.
    I found out that Lydia apparently also means “beautiful dark-haired maiden” so I mean that’s not a bad namesake either…

  27. We named our daughter Lydia after Lydia in the bible. The name is well known enough that people know how to say and spell it but we have rarely run into another Lydia! Her nickname is Lydi.

    • As much as I love my name, it’s meaning, it’s spelling, I personally don’t like it on me. I guess since my personal association is rather negative, it seems to make my name also a reminder of something bad in my life.

      • im sorry you feel that way. i feel the exact opposite. everything this website says i feel is basically me

    • cool. lydia is an awesome name

  28. I wanted a classic name that wasn’t too trendy but not a weird made up name.

    • Lydia is a great name for you

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