Gabriella Name Meaning

A feminine form of Gabriel, Gabriella is a beautiful Italian name. With her sweet -ella ending and frilly feel, she’s a natural among popular names like Isabella and Arabella.

Meaning “God is my strength”, Gabriella is a stunning way to pay tribute to your faith. It isn’t as forward as Mary, but certainly honors religious roots just the same. It’s an incredible name to bestow upon a little one, a subtle way to give her an extra bit of power and conviction.

Gabriella fits in well with other super feminine finds on the charts like Valentina and Liliana. She’s the ultimate girly-girl name, the perfect pick for a little fashionista in the making. Glamorous and stylish, Gabriella easily graduates from toddler tea parties to grown-up galas. She’s a fashionable find with timeless beauty and elegance.

Nickname lovers will be head over heels with Gabriella’s options including Gabby, Briella, and Bree. She has all sorts of nicknames for every age, whether you’re looking for something cutesy or older and mature.

Gabriella has enjoyed relatively new popularity on the charts despite being an older name. She’s not dated or aged despite this, and works well among many of today’s most popular picks. Gabrielle is a shorter variant while Aubrielle and Marielle are similar alternates.

Infographic of Gabriella name meaning, which is An Italian female variant of Gabriel, Gabriella means God is my strength.
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Gabriella Name Popularity

How popular is the name Gabriella? Here’s everything we know.

Year Rank # Births % Births
1910 0 0%
1911 0 0%
1912 0 0%
1913 0 0%
1914 0 0%
1915 0 0%
1916 1,356 6 0.0006%
1917 0 0%
1918 0 0%
1919 1,476 6 0.0006%
1920 0 0%
1921 1,237 13 0.0011%
1922 1,560 6 0.0005%
1923 0 0%
1924 0 0%
1925 1,610 5 0.0004%
1926 0 0%
1927 1,610 5 0.0005%
1928 0 0%
1929 0 0%
1930 0 0%
1931 1,515 5 0.0005%
1932 0 0%
1933 0 0%
1934 0 0%
1935 0 0%
1936 0 0%
1937 0 0%
1938 0 0%
1939 0 0%
1940 0 0%
1941 0 0%
1942 0 0%
1943 0 0%
1944 0 0%
1945 0 0%
1946 0 0%
1947 0 0%
1948 0 0%
1949 1,664 7 0.0004%
1950 0 0%
1951 1,827 6 0.0004%
1952 0 0%
1953 0 0%
1954 0 0%
1955 1,811 7 0.0004%
1956 1,604 13 0.0007%
1957 1,637 12 0.0006%
1958 1,641 12 0.0006%
1959 0 0%
1960 1,555 17 0.0009%
1961 1,270 34 0.0018%
1962 1,285 33 0.0018%
1963 1,135 47 0.0026%
1964 1,447 23 0.0013%
1965 1,101 46 0.0028%
1966 1,230 34 0.0022%
1967 1,044 52 0.0034%
1968 1,428 24 0.0016%
1969 1,008 67 0.0043%
1970 966 82 0.0052%
1971 996 76 0.0051%
1972 985 71 0.0052%
1973 1,072 57 0.0044%
1974 955 80 0.0062%
1975 1,036 66 0.0051%
1976 1,181 51 0.004%
1977 1,193 56 0.0042%
1978 1,087 72 0.0054%
1979 1,045 84 0.006%
1980 1,109 76 0.0052%
1981 941 106 0.0072%
1982 1,078 80 0.0054%
1983 1,084 73 0.0049%
1984 900 114 0.0077%
1985 691 207 0.0136%
1986 757 174 0.0115%
1987 574 294 0.0193%
1988 488 424 0.0272%
1989 457 494 0.0306%
1990 298 900 0.0543%
1991 235 1,153 0.0707%
1992 208 1,343 0.0841%
1993 207 1,374 0.0881%
1994 160 1,965 0.128%
1995 144 2,221 0.1474%
1996 139 2,314 0.1545%
1997 123 2,592 0.1753%
1998 116 2,915 0.1948%
1999 107 3,144 0.2099%
2000 99 3,358 0.2198%
2001 83 3,602 0.2391%
2002 76 3,907 0.2607%
2003 77 4,015 0.2639%
2004 76 4,242 0.2783%
2005 61 4,816 0.315%
2006 50 5,366 0.3427%
2007 38 5,837 0.37%
2008 35 6,025 0.3898%
2009 33 6,140 0.4108%
2010 33 6,177 0.4286%
2011 34 6,094 0.4277%
2012 37 5,497 0.3858%
2013 38 5,205 0.3656%
2014 42 5,089 0.3493%
2015 54 4,618 0.3174%
2016 61 4,231 0.2934%
2017 66 3,862 0.2767%
2018 70 3,669 0.267%
2019 76 3,447 0.2546%
2020 77 3,149 0.2474%
2021 88 2,757 0.2255%
2022 89 2,849 0.216%

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Names Like Gabriella

If you like Gabriella, you’ll love these other names like Gabriella.

What names are diminutives of Gabriella?

A diminutive is a name that’s like Gabriella sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Gabriella, but shorter.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




God is my strength



God is my strength



Other goddess






Shortened form of El- names



Heroine of God



Heroine of God



Diminutive form of Gabrielle


What names are variants of Gabriella?

Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Gabriella.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Heroine of God



God is my strength



Heroine of God



Heroine of God



Heroine of God



Heroine of God



Heroine of God



Heroine of God



Heroine of God



Heroine of God



Heroine of God



Heroine of God


What names sound like Gabriella?

If you like how Gabriella sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Gabriella.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

He (God) has favored me



Answered prayer



Devoted to God





What names are similar to Gabriella?

Find a name that’s like Gabriella, but just a little bit different.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender




Gift of God



From France



God is gracious



Youthful and downy



Lily flower






Of the light








Lists With Gabriella

Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Gabriella.

Siblings of Gabriella

Mamas with kids named Gabriella also have kids with these names.

Name Meaning Origin Popularity Other Gender

Little drop of water; raven or black-haired; high, noble, exalted; defender; hill, mount



God is gracious






Devoted to God



  1. Meaning – god is my strength I want her to always know god is with her. Her middle name is Mattea – meaning gift from god she is our surprise second child after a long road of infertility and secondary infertility.

  2. She had her name when i was pregnant with my oldest. If he was a girl he would of been name Gabriella. My mom chose that name. So when we got pregnant and found out it was a girl in rememberance of my mom who passed away in April 2020. We found out we were pregnant in September with Gabriella and my moms birthday is September 9th. Gabriella Elizabeth was born June 16th 2021.

    • I chose Elizabeth as my daughter’s middle name too!!! Your story is beautiful!! How old of your daughter now? Mine list turned 1.

  3. My name Gabriella and I think everyone is gods strength no matter what.I love you guys so much for all of your thoughts about the name Gabriella.??

    • My name Gabriella and I think everyone is gods strength no matter what.I love you guys so much for all of your thoughts about the name Gabriella.

    • I love my name and it repusents my culture

  4. Gabriella means God is my strength. My dad read Psalm 29 for her after she was born and it focused alot on God being powerful and also that He gives His people strength

  5. I choose Gabriella cause I named her after my favorite singer HER her real name is Gabriella! Her middle name is Dior after Christian Dior favorite perfume!

  6. It means woman of God and thats what she is a blessing from above which we have prayed for

  7. The name Gabriella means God is my strength. Throughout my pregnancy and first week of having her this is what I stand on. God being our strength.

  8. I’ve been waiting for years to hold my bundle of joy. I know nothing is too hard with God. He will surely bless me.been praying for twins and chose the names Gabriel and Ella for God has been my strength through the years. I’m praying that these are the best names . Amen.

  9. We chose Gabriella because it means God is my strenght.

  10. After eight years of trying and two miscarriages we finally were able to have our little girl. We searched for the perfect name on a website that also had the meaning of each name beside it. Gabriella means gift from God which couldn’t be more fitting for our little miracle.

  11. We chose the name for my husband’s family and gis great uncle Gabe. I love old names with family history and heritage. It truly fits my preemie perfectly.

  12. My husband saw her (we didn’t know gender until birth) and just knew that was her name Gabriella Rose

    • I love the name ?My future daughter will definately
      Be Gabriella

  13. Well I chose Gabriella because I thought if I had a boy his name be gabriel out the bible so because I had a girl I named her Gabriella alaina faith Jennings her name means women of God

  14. Her father picked her name

  15. It was either going to Gabriel or Gabriella. I chose this name for its quality and strength, but also, it’s uniqueness. I wanted a name tailored to her specific characteristics or soon to be. The nickname people associate with Gabriella “Gabi“. Still, most people think it’s a very beautiful name.

    • woow my name is gabriella/gabrijela – since im slavic/balkan i just searched my name and woow

  16. I met someone at the park with a daughter named Ella (full name Gabriella). I loved the name Ella. After my daughter was born my husband kept callling our daughter Gabby and that stuck. So now my daughter is called Gabby not Ella. Either way I get compliments about her name all the time.

  17. Chosen in memory of my cousin Gabby.
    Our daughter goes by Ella. I love both names, but my 10 yr old only likes to be called “Ella”-hoping she’ll appreciate that both names are beautiful, someday!

  18. We loved how many short versions it can be. Gabi, Bri, El, Ella. Variations for when she’s younger and older.

  19. Story: We chose the name Gabriella because of the meaning it had: God is my strength. We actually decided to wait until the moment she was born to decide on her name but had narrowed it down to Isabelle and Elizabeth. We liked the name Gabriella but it wasn’t our first choice. Gabriella was born triple nuchal, initial APGAR was a 3, and had to be resuscitated but she survived. When the doctors finally put her in my arms, we looked down at her and agreed: she was a Gabriella. God was her strength and had protected her through her traumatic birth.

    A lot of people try to shorten her name to Gabby which is frustrating but we just make sure to reiterate that her name is Gabriella, not Gabby. My only other frustration with the name is that spellcheck on my phone/computer insists that it’s misspelled. Gabriella likes to autocorrect to either Gabriela or Gabrielle.

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